Tyson said in 2022 that he decided to release the memoir to news outlets after some of Till's relatives and other people doing research at the Leflore County, Mississippi, courthouse in June 2022 . Reeves lets pay raises for elected officials pass", "New boss same as old boss when it comes to AG using private lawyers", "Analysis: Judges can't order attorney general to take cases", "Former DOJ attorney under Trump will argue Mississippi's case to Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade", "MS Attorney General's Office Official Opinion", "AG Lynn Fitch to open north Mississippi office, but not in Houston", Mississippi Official and Statistical Register 2021, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Attorney_General_of_Mississippi&oldid=1145222418, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 21:52. Dieses Stockfoto: Democrat Attorney General Jim Hood addresses the audience in the pavilion at Founders Square at the Neshoba County Fair., Wednesday, July 27, 2016, in Philadelphia, Miss. The Office of Special Counsel was no longer needed, and Solicitor General Fadwa Hammoud . Gordon told The Associated Press on Thursday that in the days after he went missing, the home was full of fear, because people knew there was a strong likelihood he had been killed. Legal Division - MS Assistant Attorney General Joshua Divine argued that Baileys order would not ban gender-affirming care, but provide basic procedural guardrails. He cited studies showing a high percentage of children seeking to transition are dealing with mental health issues, adding they should undergo talk therapy instead. Newsroom - Office of Governor Tate Reeves Lock In August 1955, Till had traveled from Chicago to visit relatives in Mississippi. Days later, Parker saw men kidnap Till in the dark of night from their uncle's home in Mississippi, where the teenagers were staying. Bailey was appointed attorney general by Republican Gov. Neither the federal government nor the government of Mississippi did anything to prevent or punish this murder. Box 220, Jackson MS 39205550 High Street, Jackson MS 39201, AG Lynn Fitch Launches SVU to Support Victim-Focused Cases, Names Veteran Prosecutor Stephanie Brown to Lead Unit 042623, AG Lynn Fitch Announces Honorees of the 2023 Outstanding Service to Crime Victims Awards 042523, AG Fitch Highlights The Empowerment Projects Legislative Victories 041923, AG Fitch Leads 21-State Coalition Urging US Supreme Court to Reiterate the People's Right to Regulate Abortion 041823, AG Fitch Announces Settlement With Telehealth Company, Visibly 041423, AG Fitch Files Brief Urging Court to Protect Democracy and Womens Health 041223, AG Lynn Fitch Files Brief Urging Court to Uphold Peoples Right to Regulate Abortion 041023, AG Fitch, Governor Reeves, and Commissioner Tindell to Cohost Public Safety Summit 040623, AG Fitch Announces Sentencings from Two Undercover Operations 040523, AG Fitch Statement on Creation of the Foster Parents' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities 033123, AG Fitch Praises Mississippis New Effort to Connect Women, Children and Families with Resources They Need 033023, AG Fitch Applauds Updates to Mississippi Sexual Assault and Rape Kit Laws 032923, AG Fitch and MS Board of Contractors Urge Mississippians to Beware of Contractor Schemes 032723, Attorneys General Push Back on Bidens Attempt to Rescind Protection for Student Religious Groups 032723, AG Fitch Applauds New Law Enhancing Child Support Enforcement 032323, AG Fitch Statement on Medicaid Postpartum 031623, AG Fitch Statement on MS Vulnerable Person Abuse Registry 031523, AG Fitch Announces Sentencings in Child Exploitation and Domestic Violence Assault Cases 031523, AG Fitch Announces Cyber Crime Operation Leads to Three Arrests of Child Predators 031023, AG Lynn Fitch joins 46-state coalition seeking answers from TikTok 030723, ICYMI: AG Fitch in the Daily Journal: Mississippians Deserve Swift Justice, AG Fitch Shares Tips to Help Consumers Avoid Common Scams 030623, AG Lynn Fitch Calls on Congress to Improve Federal-State Cooperation to End Human Trafficking 022823, ICYMI: AG Fitch on SuperTalk: Empowering Women and Their Families 022723, AG Fitch Announces Sentencings in Three Child Exploitation Cases 022423, Statement on October 6, 2022, Shooting in Harrison County 022223, AG Lynn Fitch Challenges the FDAs Defiance of Federal and State Law in Approving Abortion Drugs 021023, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Shares Tips on Safer Internet Day 020723, AG Fitch Brings on New Experienced Investigators and Prosecutors for Criminal Division Leadership 020623, AG Lynn Fitch Expands Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking in Mississippi 020123, AG Fitch and 19 States Sue Biden Administration to Stop New Illegal Immigration Policy Authorizing Hundreds of Thousands of New Illegal Immigrants Each Year 012423, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Announces $2.5M to Help Human Trafficking Victims 012323, AG Lynn Fitch Addresses 2023 March for Life 012023, AG Fitch files Amicus Brief in Opposition to VA's New Abortion Rule 011823, AG Fitch Joins 21-State Challenge to Proxy Firms' ESG Practices 011723, AG Fitch supports new rules to protect airline consumers 121922, AG Fitch Supports Efforts to Block Illegal Robotext Messages 121322, AG Lynn Fitch Joins Multistate Coalition in U.S. Supreme Court to Hold Big Tech Accountable 120822, Attorney General Lynn Fitch made the following statement regarding the State v John Coleman 120622, AG Lynn Fitch, Andrew Jackson Council Boy Scouts, and MS Bureau of Narcotics Host Scout Out Opioids 112122, Attorneys General Put Biden VA on Notice about Lawless and Hasty Abortion Rule 111722, AG Fitch Leads 11-State Coalition to Defend Authority of States Over Their National Guard Units 111622, AG Fitch Secures over $6 Million in Historic Google Settlement over Location Tracking Practices 111422, AG Lynn Fitch Enters Settlement with Oasis Financial 110822, AG Fitch Secures Over $175,000 For Mississippians Affected by the Experian and T-Mobile Data Breaches 110722, AG Fitch Announces Human Trafficking Victims Fund Application Period 110122, AG Fitch Announces Recent Sentencings 102522, Statement on July 14, 2022, shooting in Forrest County 102422, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Joins 19-State Coalition Investigating 6 Big Banks Involved in UN-led ESG Investing Alliance 101922, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Launches New Protection Order Registry 100422, ICYMI: Full Press Conference Footage: AG Fitch, Mike Singletary, Wesley Walls Announce MS Child ID Program 100322, Attorney General Lynn Fitch, Football Legends Mike Singletary and Wesley Walls Announce Mississippi Child ID Program 093022, AG Fitch Joins 24-State Coalition Challenging Banks, Credit Card Companies Tracking Exercise of Second Amendment Rights 092022, AG Fitch Announces Recent Sentencings 091922, AG Fitch leads 10-AG Coalition and over 11,000 Americans in Support of the Womens Bill of Rights, AG Fitch Leads 22 States in Support of Navy SEALs Religious Liberty 082922, AG Fitch Announces Sentencing in Statutory Rape Case 082322, Statement by Attorney General Lynn Fitch on Medication Abortion Litigation 081822, Attorney General Fitch Signs the Womens Bill of Rights to Protect Womens Safety, Privacy, and Opportunity 081822, Attorney General Fitch secures Manslaughter plea in case of neglect and exploitation of a vulnerable adult 080922, AG Fitch Announces Recent Sentencings in Child Exploitation Cases 080522, AG Fitch Seeks Strong Telemarketing Rules to Protect Consumers 080322, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Announces the Formation of a Nationwide Anti-Robocall Litigation Task Force 080222, Attorney Generals Office and North Mississippi Law Enforcement Complete Operation Catfish 072922, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Sues Biden Administration for Threatening to Withhold Nutrition Assistance for Schools 072622, Attorney General Lynn Fitch and 16 Attorneys General Warn Google Not to Discriminate Against Pregnancy Centers 072122, Federal Court Allows Mississippi to Protect Girls' Sports 071922, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Urges Supreme Court to Stop Dangerous Immigration Policy 071422, Statement by Attorney General Lynn Fitch on MS Trigger Law 070722, AG Fitch Continues to Fight Biden's Radical Environmental Agenda 070522, Attorney General Fitch's Statement on Mississippi Equal Pay 070122, AG Fitch Announces Sentencing in Two Exploitation Cases 062922, AG Fitch Applauds the Supreme Court for Upholding Religious Liberty 062722, AG Lynn Fitch Certifies Mississippi Trigger Law 062722, AG Fitch Statement on Dobbs Decision Day 062422, AG Fitch Announces Sentencing in COVID Unemployment Fraud Cases 062422, Attorney General Fitchs Statement on Todays Victory for Second Amendment 062322, AG Fitch Leads 11-State Coalition to Defend Authority of States Over Their National Guard Units 061622, AG Fitch and MS Board of Contractors Urge Mississippians to Beware of Contractor Schemes as Hurricane Season Begins 053122, AG Lynn Fitch Announces Multistate Settlement with Ford Motor Company 052422, 35 Attorneys General Urge ALI to Reject Amendments that Leave Victims of Sex Crimes Vulnerable, Put Children at Risk 051222, Governor Reeves and Attorney General Fitch: Statement on Filing of Lawsuit for Recovery of Misspent TANF Funds 050922, ICYMI: Celebrating all moms on this Mother's Day, consider these facts about Mississippi moms 050922, 40 State Attorneys General Write CFPB in Support of Debt Bondage Repair Act 050922, AG Fitch Joins MS Doctor in Challenging New Federal Rules for Anti-Racism Plans in Medical Practices 050522, AG Fitch Secures over $1 Million for Consumers Deceived by TurboTax 050522, AG Fitch Official Statement on Politico Leak 050222, AG Fitch Hosts 2022 Outstanding Service to Crime Victims Award Ceremony 042722, 28-State Bipartisan Coalition Urge Better Disclosure Clarity from GoFundMe 041822, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Announces Sentencing in Sexual Abuse Case 041422, 23-State Coalition Supports Religious Liberty for Service Members 041222, AG Fitch Joins 22-State Coalition Supporting Second Amendment 040822, Legislature Approves New Tools for Fighting Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation 040422, AG Fitch Statement on Passage of Equal Pay Legislation by MS Legislature 033022, AG Fitch Joins Lawsuit to End Mask Mandate 033022, AG Fitch Leads 44-State Coalition in Letter to TikTok and Snapchat 032922, Wilkinson County Investigation Closure 032822, AG Fitch Leads Bipartisan Coalition Against ALI Sex Offense Revisions 030422, AG Fitch Continues to Fight ALI Effort to Weaken Sex Offense Laws 030122, AG Fitch Alerts T-Mobile Consumers to New Concerns About Data Breach 030122, AG Fitch Launches New Statewide Domestic Violence Registry 030122, AG Fitch Leads 49-State Coalition Against Imposter Scams 022222, AG Fitch Continues to Fight Vaccine Mandate on Federal Contractors 021622, Empower Women Promote Life Virtual Baby Shower 021422, Tippah County Investigation Closure 021122, ICYMI: Interview with Megan West WAPT 020222, AG Fitch and Secretary Watson Partner with CFTC to Stop Precious Metals Scheme 020122, AG Fitch Statement on Win for American Workers at Supreme Court 011322, AG Fitch Enters Settlement with Navient 011322, AG Fitch Urges Tougher Rules to Stop Illegal Robocalls 011022, AG Lynn Fitch Files Challenge to Fourth Biden Vaccine Mandate 122121, 37 Attorneys General Urge ALI to Reject Amendments that Leave Victims of Sex Crimes Vulnerable, Put Children at Risk 120921, 55,000 Viewers from all 50 States, D.C. and Canada Participate Virtually in Empower Women Promote Life Rally 120821, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch Appears Before the U.S. Supreme Court and Urges Justices to Return Abortion Policymaking to the People 120121, Mississippi Solicitor General Scott Stewart Delivers Opening Remarks at the U.S. Supreme Court in the Case of Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization 120121, MS Attorney General Lynn Fitch Addresses Empower Women, Promote Life Crowd Before Entering U.S. Supreme Court 120121, AG Lynn Fitch Joins Nationwide Investigation into Instagrams Impact on Young People 111921, AG Fitch files lawsuit to stop the third of Bidens Vaccine Mandates 111621, MS Attorney Generals Office Leads Seven Trafficking Operations in Ten Days 111221, AG Fitch Files Second Challenge to the Biden Vaccine Mandates and Fifth Circuit Stays Mandate in Response 110621, AG Fitch Files Lawsuit to Stop Blatantly Unlawful Biden Vaccine Mandate 110521, AG Fitch Reports on Recent Successful Human Trafficking Operations 110221, AG Lynn Fitch Reports on Successful Operation to Protect Children from Online Predators 110121, Attorney General Lynn Fitch and 20 Attorneys General Challenge Federal Contractor Vaccine Mandate 102721, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Files Reply Brief in Dobbs Case 101321, AG Lynn Fitch Defending Mississippis Sovereignty at the Supreme Court 100421, U.S. Supreme Court Sets Oral Argument for Dobbs Case on December 1, 2021 092021, AG Lynn Fitch Calls on Biden Administration to Reverse Course on Vaccine Mandates Or Face Legal Action 091621, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch Issues Statement on JWHO's Brief 091321, Attorney General Lynn Fitch announces sentencing in $4-Million Medicaid Fraud case 081821, AG LYNN FITCH SEEKS BETTER PROTECTION FOR CONSUMERS FROM ILLEGAL ROBOCALLS 080921, Nearly 80 Briefs Support Mississippi, Urging Supreme Court to Empower Women, Promote Life 073021, AG Fitch Urges Businesses and Public Entities to Protect Operations and Personal Information 072921, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Announces Sentencing in Child Exploitation Case 072621, Attorney General Lynn Fitch Files Brief in Dobbs v. JWHO 072221, AG Lynn Fitch Reaches Settlement with Santander for Deceptive Auto Loan Practices 072121, AG Lynn Fitch sues Google for Antitrust Violations 070821, AG Lynn Fitch and DPS Commissioner Sean Tindell Launch Statewide Human Trafficking Campaign 062821, AG Lynn Fitchs Remarks on Dobbs v Jackson Womens Health 062521, AG Lynn Fitch Continues the Fight to Protect Children from Exploitation 061821, AG Lynn Fitch, Auditor Shad White Announce $55.5 Million Settlement with Centene 061421, AG Lynn Fitch Files Lawsuit Against Insulin Manufacturers and PBMs over Insulin Pricing Scheme 060821, AG Lynn Fitch Continues to Fight Human Trafficking in Mississippi 060121, AG Lynn Fitch Seeks Information in Sexual Abuse Case Involving an Amory High School Teacher 052821, AG Fitch Joins 22 State Coalition Defending Babies with a Pre-Natal Down Syndrome Diagnosis 051321, AG Fitch Continues Fight to Protect Mississippi Children 042721, AG Fitch Joins 10-State Lawsuit Against Biden Social Cost of Carbon Executive Order 042221, AG Fitch and 19 State AGs Reject Court-Packing Scheme 042221, AG Fitch Hosts 2021 Outstanding Service to Crime Victims Awards Ceremony 042121, AG Fitch Invites Mississippians to Observe National Crime Victims Rights Week 041921, AG Fitch and 13 Attorneys General Ask Congress to Let State Right-to-Work Laws Stand 040821, AG Fitch Launches Mississippis First Cyber Fraud Task Force 040621, AG Fitch Joins 22 States to Protect Second Amendment 040221, AG Fitch Partners with Responsibility.org to Prevent Underage Drinking During Alcohol Responsibility Month 040121, AG Fitch Joins 12-State Coalition Defending Religious Liberty 033021, AG Fitch Announces Sentencing in Three Child Exploitation Cases 032621, AG Fitch Joins 14-State Coalition to Stop Bidens Attack on Energy Jobs 032421, AG Fitch Announces $188.6 Million Settlement with Boston Scientific Corporation 032321, AG Fitch recovers nearly 500,000 PPE items from price gouger, gives back to community healthcare heroes and first responders 031921, Attorney General Fitch Urges Feds to Not Hold State Tax-Cutting Authority Hostage 031721, AG Fitch reaches settlement with Centurion Filing Services, LLC 030921, AG Fitch appoints two former high-ranking USDOJ attorneys to senior staff roles 030521, AG Fitch fights to protect the Constitution, state sovereignty, our elections, and the rights of every Mississippian 030421, AG Fitch pushes back on Biden-Harris cancellation of operation aimed at stopping sex predators 021921, AG Fitch joins $573-million settlement with McKinsey & Company for its role in the opioid epidemic 020421, AG Fitch asks U.S. Supreme Court to protect your Second Amendment right to bear arms 020321, AG Fitch asks FDA to report on progress in opioid fight 011121, Attorney General Fitchs Office leads successful undercover child exploitation operation on the Coast 122020, AG Fitch announces sentencing of 6 child predators across Mississippi 121820, AG Fitch joins multistate lawsuit against Googles anticompetitive practices in display advertising that hurt consumers 121620, Attorney General Fitch joins 47 attorneys general in seeking to end Facebooks illegal monopoly 120920, Attorney General Fitch joins Texas in defending election integrity 120920, AG Fitch and 50 attorneys general reach $86.3 million settlement with mortgage servicer Nationstar 120720, AG Fitch and Dr. Dobbs warn Mississippians about possible medical marijuana scams 120320, Attorney General Lynn Fitch joins $17.5 million settlement over 2014 Home Depot data breach 112420, Attorney Generals Office conducts successful beer, vape, and e-cig compliance checks in Lafayette County 111720, Senate confirms first female federal judge for MS Southern District 111720, Undercover Human Trafficking Operation Results in Arrests 111620, JONES V. MISSISSIPPI: Attorney General's Office Defends Mississippi Sentencing Authority 110320, Attorney General Lynn Fitch urges U.S. Supreme Court to block robocall loopholes 102320, Statement by AG Lynn Fitch on Integrity of the Ballot 102220, OPIOIDS: A non-partisan, equal opportunity offender 102120, Mississippi sues Google for violating antitrust laws 102020, Attorney Generals Office leads undercover operation aimed at human trafficking 101920, Find a 2020 National Drug Take Back Day Drop-Off Site Near You!
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