If you have not heard from us within 21 days of the closing date, please assume that you have not been shortlisted on this occasion. NHS Kent and Medway. Contacts Job Department Search Contacts. She has led and been part of significant change in her NHS career, which includes service redesign, transformation, successful restructuring, implementing financial systems and governance and developing robust financial processes and controls. Join the next Board of Directors meeting. These include the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA), Creative Scotland and the British Council. Experience of successfully operating in a politically sensitive environment. Please note that we do not accept applications via CV or recruitment agencies. Principal purpose . Between 2006 and 2011 he was NED and Audit Chair of NHS West Kent and since 2011 he has been NED, Vice Chair and Audit/Risk Committee Chair for Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT). Job Title: Community Pharmacy Integration Project Manager, Care Group: Diagnostics & Clinical Support Services, Salary: 41,659 - 47,672 per annum/pro rata, Interview Date: Week Commencing 22nd May 2023. Maternity services at a Kent hospital have been rated as good by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The powers of the Trust shall be exercised by the Board of Directors on behalf of the Trust. 2 0 obj endobj The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The Board of directors, led by Chair Joanne Palmer, comprises nine executive directors including James Devine, Chief Executive, and seven non-executive directors including the Chair. She has a special interest in researching health equity and the impact of the social determinants of health; her current doctoral studies will explore health inequalities within the Kent and Medway region. He is a respected and accomplished NHS leader with a strong focus on innovation, digital transformation, and leadership development.
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