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Contact OHCQ, Valerie Richardson RN at 410-402-8185 for more information on how to obtain a resident specific waiver for your specific client.
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(32) "Health condition" means the status of a resident's physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being. OJHh,Dwpb$p@V~N&FOk{w1_vM`m&h|gO.sZ#6e{e*
-4kjS The Assisted Living Resident Assessment Tool consists of four components, which include the Health Care Practitioner's Resident Physical Assessment, the Assisted Living Manager's Resident Assessment, the Level of Care Scoring Tool, and the Identifiers for Awake Overnight Staff. (19) "Contact isolation" means the creation of barriers and other protection such as gloves, masks, or gowns to prevent the spread of an infection by close or direct contact between an infected individual and others. 0000003309 00000 n
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Guide To The Assisted Living Resident Assessment (PDF) Id14Y_i0`~wkz2+ Q,. <<3724435e855e1947b7293cf9ac559c67>]>>
(31) "Health care practitioner" means an individual who provides health care services and is licensed under Health Occupations Article, Annotated Code of Maryland. (1) Upon the written recommendation of the resident's physician or assessing nurse, the assisted living program may apply to the Department for a waiver in accordance with Regulation .09 of this chapter to use an electronic monitoring system instead of awake overnight staff. (1) Within 30 days before admission, the assisted living program shall collect, on the Resident Assessment Tool written information about a potential resident's physical condition and medical status.
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Mail or fax the completed IRS Form 4506-T to the address (or FAX number) provided on page 2 of Form 4506-T. . The RN, CM/DN training is designed to provide the RN with information he/she needs to keep the resident safe, the facility safe and the RN safe and in compliance with all State laws and regulations.
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