She explained that Thomas had never actually talked to her daughter. Born on April 3, 1947 at Rt. Talhotblond who professes to be a beautiful young teen girl, she`s actually a 45-year-old secretary, and she`s using her teen daughter`s photos to lure this kid online. Mary Shieler of Oak Hill, West Virginia, is a married mother of two. She married Henry Thomas Shieler on 15 April 1914, in Summers, West Virginia, United States. Mary Shieler - Brother James' Airs - The Underground Church Jessi's mother, Mary Shieler, answered the door. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "I wish I had a perfect life like you and Brian do." E. ODOM: I agree, Nancy. Why not a conspiracy charge? With over 1,900 locations, Dignity Memorial providers proudly serve over 375,000 families a year. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "You will never forgive me." UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "What does Brian have to do with this?" (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Furious rivalry ends in cold-blooded murder. And that legally is important, right, because he is using the brain and there is an intention there to continue this conversation. To explore more of Mary Shieler's online presence, click here. I had heard something about the Tallhotblond story before (is there a documentary or something?) In return, Jessi wanted to see what he looked like too; so he sent her his photo from Marine boot camp. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you first see it come up and she says hello, and it says Talhotblond, what are you thinking? Born on September 8, 1938 in Beckwith, WV, she was the daughter of the late Lloyd and Susie (Bailes) Shieler. This just goes to show that the imagination is much more powerful than reality. If you read these e-mails, he was clearly manipulated by a woman who should have stopped playing her game.
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