Maricopa County Arrests and Inmate Search Sometimes the transcripts (always drafted in unique, secret, hand-written copies) detailed the entire conversation even if laden with colloquial expressions and identified the dialogue partners, other times it summarized the most important passages and highlighted relevant material. 20] Such folders were also opened for former political prisoners after their release, and were archived when the person died or was believed that he gave up all hostile activity.. The card system (called the General Documentary Card System) was located in Bucharest and included alphabetically-organized cards listing the names of all individuals with personal Securitate files. Sealing Criminal Case Records. 28] Pintilie, Constituirea arhivei Securitatii, pp. 2 (1995), p. 60. 6-8. While not studied to date, the personal chemistry between agents and informers should not be discounted as a factor in pursuing or terminating such relationships. First, we'll bury your file as a political prisoner. If there is no criminal record, a report reflecting this fact is provided. Other MCSO Public Records; Criminal Records; Careers. All comments and opinions are submitted by Internet users, and in no way . Some 60 percent of the archive continued to be stored in military units that in 1990 became the property of the Information Service, whereas the archives of the Securitate Troops Unit, the Baneasa Officers School and the External Information Center went to other institutions. Your grown-up children would enter university. 6] Stan, Moral Cleansing, p. 55.The results of the undated analysis were first made public by Dumitrescu. Its leader, Ion Stanescu, was not removed because the purchase was a barter against Romanian products. 20-28. Demographically, 241,932 were sixty and older, 145,294 between forty and sixty, 81,572 between thirty and forty, and 17,995 under thirty years of age. Maricopa County Justice Courts. These cases, however, tended to be isolated, since the Securitate agents -- themselves under pressure to collect relevant information from as many sources as possible either terminated the relationship or encouraged the informer to raise the quality of the data provided.
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