A Notice by the Justice Department on 05/01/2023, This document has a comment period that ends in 60 days. The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal The Pardon Board is in charge of considering applicants for commutation of sentences, pardons, and the restoration of citizenship rights. PO Box 13401, Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711 Phone: (512) 406-5250 What We Do Cell phones are not permitted on the Department of Corrections Headquarters Complex. Report to the probation officer as directed. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document We Following the hearing, the Board will make its recommendation to the Governor. (225) 342-1550, Melissa Euggino (WAE) Docket Prep The at-large members serve only as members of the Committee on Parole and do not serve as members of the Board of Pardons. In any case, new information must be presented which has not been considered at the last review of the Parole Board. Judge Bonnie Jackson earned her Juris Doctorate from the Louisiana State University Law Center in 1978, one of five African American students to graduate from the law school that year. 165. Four members of the Board will constitute a quorum, and at least four members of the Board must vote in favor of an action. Since prepaid debit cards are not usually associated with a Zip Code, they will probably not work. Federal Register. Louisiana Division of Probation and Parole. Contact: Texas Department of Criminal Justice Parole Division 8610 Shoal Creek Blvd. Probation and Pretrial Services The U.S. The Board of Parole is a seven-member Board that is considered to be a facet of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. In rare circumstances, the Board may appoint an attorney to represent a person on parole during a revocation hearing. Using our services for any unlawful purposes are strictly prohibited. The hearings are held by means of videoconferencing on regularly scheduled dates and times, with the Parole panel meeting at DPS&C Headquarters. On some occasions, there can be payment 6. Special assignments include sex offender warrant roundups and curfew checks on Halloween night, neighborhood crime sweeps, working with the Human Trafficking Task Force, and working with the Baton Rouge Area Violence Elimination Team (BRAVE). A $5.50 transaction fee will be applied. Go approximately one quarter mile, and the district office is located on the backside of the building, facing east. Subsequent request for Rehearing may be submitted if initial request for rehearing was denied. It is generally inappropriate for children under the age of 12 years to be present during any public meeting or hearing of the Board of Pardons and Parole, except when the child is a victim and chooses to appear.
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