Online. Where: 3343 E Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308. Its apostrophe use is inconsistent), is a run-down dive these days (the situation became so dire that Bar Rescue featured Champagnes on one episode). Dr Martha Ogman was one of the main characters of the show and as the interviews with her took place it became evident that she was clearly addicted to gambling. They walk away at 5am - but are they winners? However the Red Room, a semi-secret event space and speakeasy above KGB, takes inspiration from the buildings mafia-related history. In 1947, it opened again, this time under the moniker the Famous Flamingo, but business still struggled and Siegels mob bosses took this as a sign that he was skimming a cut of the profits for himself. I'm still in shock. Louis Theroux - Gambling - My Veoh Al Capone ran this speakeasy, then known as 226 Club, in the 1920s. Louis apprehensively gambles his own money through a very long night at the tables until they all walk away at 5am. If you're a documentary buff you'll no doubt be well aware of the work of the awkward yet insightful Louis Theroux. Where: 4802 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640, Photo: Exchequer Restaurant & Pub/Facebook. But when Prohibition hit, he quickly turned the lease over to the mob. Shes hardly missed a day of play in the past ten years shes been going to the Las Vegas Hilton and shes lost approximately $4 million dollars there in that time span! Who would've thought that a piece of the Berlin Wall is at the men's bathroom of Main Street Station Casino? Brilliant video from BBC show Louis Theroux - Gambling in Las Vegas.This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Louis Theroux: Gambling in Las Vegas - The Movie Database share. He does drive an Uber but only 3-4 days a year and it's not due to being broke, it's because it gives him something to do since he sold off his company. The bar regularly hosts readings and publishes a literary magazine. Louis Theroux: Gambling in Las Vegas: 4 February 2007 Theroux heads for Las Vegas to reveal the world of casino culture - the so-called "slot slaves", high rollers and casino men . Louis Theroux investigates private security protection firms in Johannesburg. He seems to be keeping a low profile and can't be found on social media. Can't find a movie or TV show? [1][2][3] Among the people he meets are two of the casino's 'high-rollers' and an employee who looks after them as well as a retired doctor who says she has gambled away $4 million in seven years. Louis meets pioneering medical professionals who help children with gender dysphoria. Read about our approach to external linking. Louis Theroux spends time with a subculture of. These two guys are a riot as they try to take Louis under their wing and loosen him up on the Blackjack Tables. The Las Vegas Hilton sets the stage as Louiss home away from home for the long weekend. We use cookies for analytics tracking and advertising from our partners. 3.2 "India: Enlightenment" . Members Fans Likes Reviews Lists Sort by. Louis meets and hangs out with Richards high-rolling whales. Martha, Louis Theroux & the Vegas slot machines - Hot Chip Manager mit Dollar-Zeichen in den Augen und einem Dauerlcheln im Gesicht kmmern sich um hochkartige Stammgste. Vier Millionen Dollar hat sie schon verspielt.
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