volume 1 Volume 2 42.37, 47.07 Tuesday April 18th 2023 Doors open at 3:00 p.m.(EST) for your preview Longaberger Baskets, There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. We dont share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we dont sell your information to others. They have been an invaluable resource for my Gift Basket Company. Everything is sold as is where is no warranties or guarantees, please come look at the items Monday-Friday 10am-5pm. I enjoyed doing business with Wald Imports and very happy with the baskets I ordered. (10% off), Sale Price 41.46 General Description There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Please try again. Over $1000 Payment will require Cash, Wire Funds or Certified Bank Check All items are sold as is where is no Warranties or guarantees or coins or access based on best estimation of grade no guarantees use your own discretion. 05:00PM, 10692 US Route 127, Van Wert, OH Click to Map. The company opened in 1973, was acquired in 2013 by CVSL, Inc., and closed in 2018. Does shopping on Etsy help support small businesses? $31.20, $39.00 when you receive an email from shipping saint with our auction items on it. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. AuctionZip.com. Precious Moments, Garbage Pail Kids & Collectibles. (10% off), Sale Price 24.84 All items will have a 17% buyers premium on all purchases. Original Price 20.03 Original Price $36.96 Live auction starts April 25. . In addition to other remedies available to Dotta Auction Company by law may, at its option, a) cancel the sale of the lot(s) on which the buyer defaulted and of any other lots sold to the defaulting buyer at the same or any other auction(s) and retain as liquidated damages all payments made by the buyer, b) resell the purchased Property, whether at public auction or private sale, or c) pursue any combination of a) and b) above. Credit card chargebacks will not be accepted. (20% off), Sale Price 42.57 We also created 2.6 million jobs in the U.S.enough to employ the entire city of Houston, TX! Read our Cookie Policy. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items.
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