This episode is missing. For the final season, from episode #830 to episode #876 (September 11, 1966 September 3, 1967), in conjunction with the program's permanent move to color, the show used CBS Studio 50 (later renamed the Ed Sullivan Theater, 1697 Broadway at 53rd St., NY). whats my line panelist Crossword Clue | Mercedes McCambridge fills in for Arlene Francis. Preempted 18 out of 25 times and 19 out of 25 times the following two weeks for. Martin Gabel fills in for Bennett Cerf for four consecutive shows, starting with this one. Desi Arnaz fills in for Bennett Cerf. This Special was sold on eBay, but its current status is unclear. )[20] In the early years of the show, the questioning was the same as it was for regular contestants, but starting with the April 17, 1955 edition, panelists were only allowed one question at a time. He was F. Lee Bailey. Celeste Holm and Elsa Maxwell fill in for Dorothy Kilgallen and Arlene Francis respectively. This episode exists. You can customize the cemeteries you volunteer for by selecting or deselecting below. Leland Hayward fills in for Bennett Cerf. panelist: 1 n a member of a panel Synonyms: panellist Types: juror , juryman , jurywoman someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury foreperson the presiding member of the jury and the one who speaks on their behalf petit juror , petty juror a member of a petit jury Type of: critic anyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of . [15] The contestant's line was then revealed to the studio and home audiences, and Daly would tell the panel whether the contestant was salaried or self-employed, and from 1960 on, whether they dealt in a product or a service. Eamonn Andrews sub hosts for John Daly, the fourth and last time Daly was absent. What's My Line? - Season 18 - IMDb What's My Line? (1968) | What's My Line? Wiki | Fandom
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