Properties with adaptations: When an adapted property is advertised applicants needing general needs properties will also be able to place a bid as long as they are eligible for that size of property. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. For new applications please select the 'Start here' button. A spokesperson explained: The number of properties advertised will increase week on week as things return back to normal.. Leicester City Councils choice based lettings system was halted and the housing register closed to new applicants in line with Government advice at the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Skip to main content. All you need to do is type your email address into the 'sign up to free daily alerts' box. Chris Burgin, director of housing at the council, told LeicestershireLive: We are not yet ready for people to be able to bid on properties or apply to the register. Leicester to declare housing crisis as thousands wait for homes Theres lots of private lets in Leicester, and the benefits of renting privately include properties usually being available immediately, as well as giving you greater choice over where you live.Check local newspapers, letting agencies, and search online for available properties. endobj When people on the housing register will be able to bid on council Responsible for monitoring the housing register and for primary homeless services in the district. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Sign up with your Leicester City Council Payment Reference number. In the case of flats a photo of the whole block will be shown. The CRF bid process is the latest stage of successful bidding by Leicester City Council for external funding to help the citys economy and businesses recover from the disruption of Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020-21. Leicestershire pub company owner reveals plan to open micropub plus Therefore, the allocations priority order for this type of accommodation will give preference to applicants requiring fully wheelchair, partially adapted, ground floor and then general needs requirements. Plans for 33 new council homes get government funding boost Who is the project for? Click on View details button or the photo to see more information about the property. You need to: check if you can join the list. Sorry, there are no suitable properties available for you to bid for in this advertising cycle. Councillor Elly Cutkelvin, assistant city mayor for housing said: There is no doubt that Leicester, along with other cities across the country, is caught up in a massive housing crisis. Although the register is closed, the council has still been housing those who are most in need. I know people get three bids a week but that still means we have a situation where 100 families are bidding on one house. Leicester Textiles Renewal and integrated support programme including for skills, support for innovation and encouraging best practice within the citys textile and garment industry. There could be a significant increase in the amount you are charged. Please check the rent amount before signing any tenancy agreement with your landlord.
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