PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - As we count down to Mother's Day, an incredible story about one woman's journey to become a mother.
Was there anything particularly Jewish about her life? Werth died May 3 at her home in Boise, Idaho, at age 48.
Essex women pool resources to make an 'Impact' - North Jersey Media Group Mezvinsky never asked Fenton to invest, and Fenton does not suspect Margolies was involved in his schemes. I pressed on. The seat had been held by a Republican since 1916, but she won as a Democrat. Class: residential (per ft 2) Non-usable Sale for Assessment. It was an excuse to get over there, and it worked. She is the former Marjorie Margolies, Emmy Award-winning correspondent for WRC-TV from 1975 until 1990, more recently of the "Today" show. "I started to do a series on Korean orphans adopted in this area," she said. She is a slip of a woman with a short wedge of black hair -- a contrast to the waist-length tresses that were her trademark on television in the 1970s -- who alternates between Albert Nipon suits and dungarees on the campaign trail. When Chelsea and Marc got married in 2010, it seemed almost arranged, a dynastic American political marriage in the tradition of Nixons daughter marrying Eisenhowers grandson (another buddy of Margies, by the way). Two, her now-ex husband went to jail for running a Ponzi scheme. A year later, while reporting for an NBC affiliate in New York on the Vietnamese "baby lift," she came to Washington to interview then-Rep. Edward Mezvinsky, fell instantly in love and married him. Holly arrived sickly. Herbert and Mildred's daughter.". Whats it like being the son ofa major league baseball player? 'Everybody takes turns cooking,' says Margolies. The youngest children flocked to Holly. "Sometimes, it was political. How many other female Democratic candidates who stood on the podium at the Democratic Convention were seized with this thought: "I thought about what Barbara Jordan had said the night before, invoking Thomas Jefferson and talking about women being in the halls and councils of power. Lee Margolies was born on 03/05/1964 and is 58 years old. Let me say, that there are moments where I have been laying on the sofa saying, 'why did I get into this? Vote for me!, Whether the scandal still qualifies as a career-ender more than a decade later depends on whom you ask. After reporting a story for Philadelphia television on hard-to-place Korean orphans, she was moved to adopt one, and persuaded reluctant adoption officials to let her become the mother of 6-year-old Lee Heh in 1970. Me.
THE MOTHER OF ALL CANDIDATES - The Washington Post "And that," Margolies said, through tears, "was Holly.". But the fundraisers VIP cachet is representative less of Margoliess political potency than of her connections. I've juggled pretty well.". But when unmarried Marjorie Margolies picked up six-year-old Lee Heh 15 years ago in Korea, it simply wasn't done. As one of the swindled told the Philadelphia Inquirerat the time, Who expects to be taken to the cleaners when youve got an ex-congressman whose wife is running for the Senate? Mezvinsky eventually got in so deep that he fell for one of the original Nigerian-guy-needs-cash email scams, losing up to an estimated $3 million just to try to feed the scheme.
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