Effect: Allow Kreia to show you the world throug the force to gain Influence. Covers attributes, skills, feats and powers. Bao-dur is easily missed as well as atton. Description: After fighting Visas for the first time, she will be moved to the medical room where you will have a conversation regarding your reactions to her. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Mira: All right, all right. Disagree with everything she says, do not even consider her point of view, One of the main characters of the game will stop trusting you, which ruins the story in some aspects, Comment on his skills positively whenever it is possible, Doesn't like people asking about his past. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. it surrounds us and penetrates us. I didn't have to do any of that. I've only done this with Atton in the party along with Kreia, so I'm not sure if it happens with other party members or if he's not there. At many points within the game, Atton may offer suggestions on a course of action when in your party. ", This ugly blue guy with tentacles on his head was like "mira you aren't the bomb!" Kill everyone that are ''too weak and they deserved it'', traitors involved, Recruit Mandalorians on Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa, You have to care about the little droid. Cookie Notice Talk to her when you have the 15 intelligence and the good awareness score. Privacy Policy. When you next ask, she always makes one, but Gaining or losing sufficient influence can unlock further dialog or grant bonuses, either to you or your party member (or both). Influence is your ability to affect the actions of your party members. I want to do a play through where my character completely buys in to Kreias whole deal, and basically max out my influence with her without caring too much about my other companions. Description: After speaking with the sick man, just inside the compound. Warning #3: Do all of Handmaiden's dialogues and training before dealing with Visas, or Handmaiden may get upset at you and refuse to talk to you. She warns you that you create weaknesses for yourself by becoming so close and if you pick a dialogue option to the effect of: I would die for my companions, etc, you lose influence with Kreia and gain influence with Atton. I played it without the guide to reduce spoilers, then bought it to find all I missed. Mira Replaces Hanharr in your playthrough if you play as a Light Side character at the moment of recruiting one of those two characters A bounty hunter hired
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