He is called and appointed by the Lord, to save the nations, including us. .
Isaiah 1-61 Devotionals-Howard Morrison | Precept Austin He is, in fact, the Saviour. Sing, heavens! He will show his tender love to those who are suffering. Come to Him today with your worries and woes, your problems and pressures. He will restore and do a work that will leave them amazed and baffled at the wonders that he produces.
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Devotions by Scripture: Isaiah Today Daily Devotional Psalm 103:15-16 says, "The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.". The LORD comforts his people. The Lord immediately gives His answer, but the whole chapter gives us evidence as to why we can be 100% sure that God has not forgotten us and that nothing will stand in the way of His purposes. You may be going through a lot of trouble right now, but there is still good reason to be happy. Sing, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth Which may be understood of the heavens, and the earth by a personification, a figure usual in Scripture, to express the greatness of the benefit received, and to raise thankfulness and admiration in the hearts of God's people; see ( Psalms 90:11 Psalms 90:12 ) ( Isaiah 55:12 ) or by the heavens may be meant the angels in heaven, who, as they rejoice at the conversion of a single sinner, will much more rejoice at such numerous conversions among Jews and Gentiles, here prophesied of, ( Luke 15:10 ) and, by the "earth", the saints on earth, the excellent in it, who have a more immediate concern in, and must be affected with, the case here represented: and break forth into singing, O mountains; such as are in high office either in the state, as Christian kings and princes, ( Isaiah 49:23 ) or in the church, as prophets and apostles, ( Revelation 18:20 ) . Although the trials, troubles, and tribulations of life still cause us problems, we are already experiencing the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. As always, it's important here to state the big story at work in Isaiah in order to grasp the power of Isaiah's proclamation in chapter 49. He is still the One whose word is powerful (v2). The walls are symbolic of the protection of Gods people. He has not forgotten or changed His purposes. Earth, wake the dead! The second Covid-19 lockdown has closed churches again. The LORD is comforting you and being good to you, despite everything that is going on. [Note: See F. Duane Lindsey, "The Commission of the . BibleWorks, v.9. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament(Abridged and Revised Thayer Lexicon). A little kindness, mixed in with some encouragement, goes a long way. I was speaking to a group of pastors and was encouraged to hear one of them say that he had learned that he was preaching to the wrong crowd of people.
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