0000007890 00000 n (e) On and after January 1, 2022, a manufacturer of Class B firefighting foam must provide notification to the fire department prior to the fire department's purchase of Class B firefighting foam containing PFAS clearly indicating: (a) On and after 30 days after the effective date of this Act, a manufacturer of Class B firefighting foam that is regulated under this Act must notify, in writing, a person that sells the manufacturer's Class B firefighting foam in this State of the provisions of this Act. United States808 Commerce Park Dr, Unit 79946Ogdensburg, NY 13669T 1.888.240.0591, Field Office: 4701 Cox RoadGlen Allen, VA 23060-6802T 1.888.240.0591, Canada1755 Woodward Drive, Suite 101Ottawa, ON K2C 0P9T 613.262.2601. This information is being collected for the primary purpose of disseminating fire safety and prevention information to fire departments across the United States. The notification must include: AFFF may not be used for training or testing purposes unless the fire authority has performed all of the following: Flushing, draining, or otherwise discharging the foam into a storm drain or sanitary sewer is not an appropriate containment, treatment, and disposal or storage measure. by the. Title: FDID Issuance Procedures Author: Bowman, Jennifer@CALFIRE Created Date: States (and territories) assign an FDID to each fire department, and FDIDs are primarily used for NFIRS fire incident reporting - for the departments records themselves and to reference other departments. 0000159046 00000 n "Perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance" or "PFAS" means a class of fluorinated organic chemicals containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (a) Proper disposal of Class B firefighting foam containing PFAS shall not include flushing, draining, or otherwise discharging the Class B firefighting foam into a ditch, waterway, storm drain, or sanitary sewer. Pleasant Plains, Illinois - Fire <> Overview. The Illinois General Assembly offers the Google Translate service for visitor convenience. The sale of foam containing PFAS is not allowed after January 1, 2025. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) will share this information on its website, excluding individual names, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses. 0000080623 00000 n 0000006438 00000 n "Testing" means calibration testing, conformance testing, and fixed system testing. Illinois FDID Lookup - NFIRS | Responserack number, and the Fire Department Identification (FDID) number, if applicable. The latest activity relating to your ads and offers will appear on the My Ads & Profile page. Total number of registered fire departments by state and territories: 27,182 Show state totals in table format Stations 68% of the departments have 1 station. 0000003802 00000 n 0000179038 00000 n "Local government" means a unit of local government or other special purpose district that provides firefighting services. 0000157995 00000 n Sec. Provided training to employees of the possible hazards, protective actions, and a disposal plan. 0000158065 00000 n hbb2c`b``3 h Training with foam containing PFAS is generally not allowed (with a few exceptions) after January 1, 2022. (c) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall, no : less than annually, report any notifications specified in : subsection (b) to the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Middle-of-the-night simple NFIRS reporting your firefighters will enjoy . endobj This restriction does not apply to facilities controlled by federal regulations.
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