If you cannot meet this requirement without glasses or contact lenses, you will be given a license with a B restriction. 12 CSR 10-24.090 - Missouri Driver License or Permit Vision Test All standards refer to the best vision, with or without corrective lenses. Write a letter detailing the motorist's medical condition and as much of the following information as possible: name and address, driver license number and date of birth. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. To keep our roads safe, drivers must meet certain vision requirements to qualify for a license. If you fail the vision screening, we will ask you to see an eye care professional for a vision exam. If you need to wear glasses or contact lenses to pass the vision screening, you must wear them when you drive. Steps to getting your first license Close window Move between items in the chat window Tab key Shift + tab key Do action Enter key Move between messages Arrow up key Arrow down key Access items in message Enter key Move between items in a message Tab key Shift + tab key Exit message Escape key Currently, Medical Affairs has set minimum standards for vision qualifications, loss of consciousness and seizure conditions, and cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. Box 2100 Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Medical Review & Fitness Unit P.O. 0 Did you know that if you have a corrective lens restriction on your drivers license you will be ticketed if you are pulled over and are not wearing your glasses or contacts? Does not have any pending alcohol/drug related charges. none or 1 alcohol/drug related incident within 5 current years, What to Bring to the MVA for a Drivers License or ID Card, Administrative Adjudication Division (AAD), Driver Wellness and Safety Division (DW&S), Alcohol Breath-Analyzed Ignition Interlock Device. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The new license will no longer display a restriction code on the bottom right corner. A cognitive impairment isany condition that impairs any of the mental faculties of attention, perception, comprehension, judgment, memory, reasoning, or physical action or response used by a person to understand and interact with the environment. Vision of less than 20/40 in each eye or less than 70 degree field of vision may require: Drivers who are not grandfathered and do not qualify for the federal medical cardwillbe issued a restricted commercial driver license., (Only applies for those drivers who are grandfathered or exempted by federal or state law. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The first 5 characters of the driver number are the first five letters of the drivers surname.
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