/give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness", lvl:1000}]} 1. is usually the command to give a item/object a enchantment with a crazy high level. These add-ons include: You can download this Modpack from Ocean Factory Mod. It is another one of our favorite Minecraft mods for the Bedrock edition. Minecraft Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. After I read this over again, I found many errors.
How do I put a lore AND an enchantment on an item in Minecraft? For example, players can find the following famous characters from the series using this mode in Minecraft: Many other characters animatronics can be accessed using this mode in the game. It should look something like this: Name: minecraft:stick (or whatever the ID of your item is). Here are some of our favorite delicious food items from this mod: Many more items are available in this mod. To make the tractor, you require lots of iron. It also has several features and combat-enhancing techniques. View the reference documentation to see how things work in-game. Unfortunately, you just cannot keep everything in your inventory. There are many other underwater packs but this aquatic Mod pack has proved itself to be one of the Best Minecraft Bedrock Mods. Then paste it in the first item'stag compound. There is nothing complicated about it. Different types of scythes and nine void crystals will boost your gaming experience. Vaders Expansion is one of the most famous Minecraft bedrock mods by Angryvader. It allows customizable bed overlays that allow players to choose the colors and patterns of their beds. It is imperative to interact with your Pokemon to engage them. How do I give a player an item with custom properties? When you open Minecraft, the downloaded mods will be shown in the global resources section of the settings. Learn more about this on Bedrock Explorer: Honeyfrost has created a very popular world called Custom Enchants. Hey guys! Here are some of the features this Mod offers: To download this Mod Pack click BUTCHERY MOD. Raiyon's More Enchantments Addon (1.19, 1.18) increases the number of enchantments that can be obtained in the blocky world. It only takes a minute to sign up. Food Add-on introduces more than sixty new food items in Minecraft. It has super operational choices such as plowing and harvesting with a tractor. These changes might be as fundamental as changing the colors and lighting or as complicated as adding entirely new and valuable components to the game, like new characters or items. The undead mobs in Minecraft are quite fun to deal with. The tractor will be destroyed after 5 Hits. Interestingly, it consists of 20 brand-new backpacks with different capacities. (Click the first item's tag and press CTRL + V.) You should see this: Custom Enchantments Mod. When a combo is made with the sword this enchantment is on, an extra half a heart of damage is dealt to the target. Don't forget, always save! Hold it in your hand, then type " .enchant sharpness 1000 " and you should now have the ultimate weapon in your hands. Bookshelf blocks require three books and six wood of any kind. Following are some highlights from this mod: Ensure you dont make these creatures angry and use them for good purposes only after downloading the Aardvarks Dragons mod in Minecraft. In order to enhance gameplay and provide fresh combat experiences and danger, this mod really introduces new opponents and mobs to the fight.
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