Indici decenalli to 1925, but the Bagni and Campagnano only have books through 1865 and not all years are included. Some collections are just for one religion or town (Comune), those collection labeled "Tribunale" contain records for the tribunal court or county level and can include towns within a number of provinces, and there also are collections at the State level. Birth23 Sep 1765 - San Donato Val di Comino, Frosinone, Italy Death04 Feb 1838 - San Donato Val di Comino, Frosinone, Italy We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Filomena Magliocchetti 1876-1971 - Ancestry Searchable name index along with browsable images of birth registrations. Browsable image collection including births in Provinces of Macerata and Roma up to 1910. Records are handwritten in a combination of names in Hebrew and registration information in Italian. Includes supplemental records (allegati); residency records (cittadinanze); and marriage banns (pubblicazioni). See, More images are available in the FamilySearch Catalog, Name and occupation of father/name of mother, Italy, Frosinone, Cassino, Civil Registration, Identifying information such as residence, Add any new information youve found to your records, Use the information to find more. Italy, Pavia, Pavia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1806-1812, 1866-1935. Italy, Biella, Borriana, Catholic Church Records, 1740-1938. You will need to sign in to view images and search results. One of the most dramatic episodes in Lazio's history dates back in 1527 when the region was crossed by the mercenary troops of Charles V. In the seventeenth century, the region witnessed a progressive formation of the Lordships linked to the papal families, in parallel with the decadence of the traditional nobility. We only found birth records (nati) for the years 1803-1837 in this collection as of June 2013. This collection of browsable images includes birth registrations, but is only available online at Family History Centers and to signed in members of supporting organizations. The images are only available online at Family History centers and to signed in members of supporting organizations. Years of coverage and type of record available vary by comune. 0776-524103. International: +39 0776-524103. Stato Civile: Comune, 1861-1929,,_Frosinone,_Settefrati_Civil_Registration,_Comune_-_FamilySearch_Historical_Records&oldid=5263589, FamilySearch Historical Records Published Collections, Settefrati (Frosinone) FamilySearch Historical Records, FamilySearch Historical Records Image Visibility Notice, FamilySearch Historical Records Browse Collection, FamilySearch Historical Records Browse Only Collections.
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