Kraig Smith joined the Perot Museum in April 2019 as the Board Liaison and Executive Assistant to the CEO, and in the summer of 2020 assumed the role of Chief of Staff. Courts will have no sympathy for Directors who claim as a defense to any legal action that they did not know of a particular issue or did not participate in a particular action because of failure to attend Board meetings. Board of Directors - American Alliance of Museums Skip to content The following menu has 3 levels. In this new position, he oversees all business operations, leads the systems and technology strategy, and evaluates and enhances the digital experience for our guests. PHOENIX (April 27, 2023) - Award-winning international architect and designer Oscar De las salas will give the keynote commencement address at Phoenix College's Commencement ceremony on Friday, May 12, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., to be held at the at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, 1826 West McDowell Road in Phoenix. Each staff member, director, and board member have a role to fulfill to keep the museum running. Director Founding Director As Director, Bynum will work with the team of ecologists, social scientists, and educators in the Science Action Center to deepen the Museum's impact at home in the Chicago region, where the team works with partners to . View our current board of directors at Hands On Children's Museum. The board travels far and wide to meet annually and review each field school, both new and returning, to ensure quality of our programs. > Board of Directors. Click on the link in that email No, This website stores cookies on your computer. (Don't see an email in your inbox? Gain access to our exclusive library of online courses led by thought leaders and educators providing contextualized information to help nonprofit practitioners Prior to joining the Perot, Kraig Smith spent 13 years in various positions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, most recently as Administrator for the world renowned Paper Conservation Department (where he likes to boast he held a Michelangelo in his hands), and prior to that as Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs where he supported the Sr. VP for External Affairs in multiple areas including press management, crisis response, and government affairs. Northern Trust Company American Alliance of Museums, Dina Bailey She has a Master of Arts in Public History from Central Connecticut State. The essence of the duty of care is the duty to be informed. Linda Silver, Ed.D., joined the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in July 2017 as the Eugene McDermott Chief Executive Officer. Prior to joining Ascension, he was Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer for Motorola Solutions, Chicago, Illinois. Approach prospective sponsors for exhibitions and programsc. Findorff & Son, Inc. John Hintze, Treasurer Senior Vice President, Wisconsin Bank & Trust . Jobs. Have the board and senior staff reviewed the conflict-of-interest policy and completed and signed disclosure statements in the past year? Use escape to exit. According to Hugh H. Genoways and Lynne M. Ireland's Museum Administration 2.0, board members have a number of responsibilities including but not limited to: ensure the continuity of the museum .
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