Refer to the current FedEx Service Guide for terms, conditions, and limitations applicable to FedEx delivery services. THEREALCABEZAGRANDE 5 yr. ago The shipping cost will depend on the wheel and tire size, destination, and the carrier you use. These guidelines are vital in ensuring a safe shipping process. With a few tips, you can easily ship tires without any problems. What Are Kumho Tires? Get the buyer's zip code and use both FedEx and UPS shipping quote estimators to get a more accurate cost. Achieve end-to-end, reliable temperature control for your shipments with FedEx Temp-Assure, our portfolio of temperature-controlled solutions. use, it's the same thing as greyhound but a little cheaper. Thats why we offer our customers special rates on tire shipments. How do you ship a car hood? Shipping with Easyship can save you up to 91% off on shipping rates. So you do not have to break a bank to ship tires. Once the cardboard is covering as you see fit, use foam padding and plastic wrap to hold everything place and add extra cushioning. Fill any empty space in the box with packing peanuts or bubble wrap to prevent the tires from moving around during transit. Once you have selected a shipping method, it is time to pack your tires. These prices are just estimates though, so be sure to get a quote from your chosen shipping company before making any decisions. Generally I budget about $50 per wheel+tire or a little less if is just wheel only. Lastly, you are encouraged to have someone present at the pickup or drop-off locations when shipments are delivered. Shipping tires is much easier with the availability of different shipping companies with a wide reach across the country. Apply your shipping label on a flat side of the wheel. With competitive less-than-truckload pricing, direct carrier access, invoice audits, competitive premiums as low as $50, and volume discounts, youll leave your competition behind. If you use a reusable container, secure the transmission to the base with strapping. With these circles, youll cover the faces of the rims, and then you can place them inside the boxes and add extra padding. Finally, you can use tape to secure the foam sheets to stay in place. Surcharges and Fees Copyright 2023, uShip Inc. and its licensors. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Label the box clearly. If it needs to get there the next business day, choose one of these services from FedEx Express: These services are appropriate for packages up to: I have more flexibility in my delivery schedule. If youre looking for a cost-effective car parts shipping option that still arrives quickly, choose between these services: I need to ship auto parts outside the U.S. If you need to ship car parts to another country, you can choose from one of our international services. Shrink wrap is the more expensive of the two types of the packaging for tires. Loose hardware, lug nuts, or bolts damage the wheel, especially during transit. Whether on eBay, Shopify, or any other platform, tires are sold daily in the U.S and worldwide. Enter your information below, and one of our auto parts shipping specialists will contact you. Read to Another Post: How Much Does It Cost to Ship Tires And Rims. Then read our step-by-step freight shipping guide. Manage Settings According to some customers who have used USPS to ship tires, shipping costs them about $15-$25, although others have incurred higher costs.
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