Swingers: Southeast of the pumpkin farm you'll find the Bridge Of Tears. Shoot the lock to activate alarms inside the hut. Far Cry 5 - The Holdouts solution | Eurogamer.net Here's the location for 'Far Cry 5's The Angel's Grave sidequest. Center. Use the keycard on the locked door and enter to grab your goodies. Taking a wider view at the VR field in light of GDC 2018's wireless headset demo. Shoot the skylight lock to get to the roof and drop down to the area with the large double doors. Itll take you into the path of a bear, so have your guns ready before things get a little hairy. Silver Lake Boathouse | Far Cry Wiki | Fandom Animal Control | Henbane River | Prepper Stash, Dead Man's Treasure | Henbane River | Prepper Stash, Deep Dive | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, D.I.Y. Get to the farthest flare and look for a key. There's one enemy and his dog guarding the stash. In the crate above the wreck is Kyle's Key. Fly up to the waypoint above which asks you to investigate the area. Place the wheel to stop the water. The stash is on a tablet nearby. When you reach the final waypoint youll get Danskys Key Card. The end goal is to get to a Grain Elevator in the marked space. The Holdouts - Far Cry 5 Wiki Guide - IGN Inside youll find the standard three perk magazines and some cash. The stashes consist of hidden caches of items like money, perk magazines, ammo, and supplies. Center. Go inside and enter the bunker to find the light on a shelf near the bed. Follow the zipline path to a blood trail where you'll find Frank has met an unfortunate fate at the paw of a grizzly bear. By the cabin door is a table with the prepper's note you need to start the mission. Region: Holland Valley Theyve been a thorn in our ass for far too long. Youre going to travel pretty far vertically for this one, so its probably best to bring a helicopter. When you reach the final waypoint youll get Danskys Key Card. Head under the mill then crawl up inside it. Kill all the foes and get the note inside the garage. Whitetail Mountains - North West of Widow's Creek, Whitetail Mountains - Whitetail Park Visitor Center, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Has Perfected Lightsaber Combat, Project Milo Was a Big Swing (and a Miss) at Leveling Up Game AI, Moon Mystery - Official Kickstarter Trailer, Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellan Locations.
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