Thanks for the question. Emotional Support Animal Lease Addendum off Incorporation services, Landlord Tenant - Residential Leases - Lease Addendums, View Auto detailing contract with steam cleaner, View Baji jury instructions for breach of contract, View Bathroom remodel contract for disabled, Identity What proof can I require that my tenant is eligible for an emotional support animal? An Emotional Support Animal has the right to live with you, even if your building doesn't accept pets. Emotional support animals must also be housebroken. If this addendum is intended to place any restrictions on the Tenants pets in addition to state restrictions, then leave this option unselected. At this point that number sits closer to 200,000. An emotional support animal is a dog or other animal that is not trained to perform specific acts directly related to an individual's disability. Service animals also help a variety of people who do not have physical disabilities. Agreements, Sale Other states specifically allow for an additional pet deposit, which doesn't factor into limits set for general security deposits. Emotional Support Animals The tenant is entitled to an accommodation whenever they have a need Change, Waiver Tenants must be able to provide a valid emotional support animal letter, for example. Emotional support animal housing laws dictate that normal pet rules may not be applied. Thank our onsite property teams by celebrating them on Apartment Onsite Teams Day (Wednesday, April 19, 2023) during RPM Careers Week. <> A landlord is also prohibited from requiring pet rent or pet deposits for support or service animals. Landlords can still stop tenants from keeping pets but must offer a reasonable excuse for refusal in writing within 28 days of the tenant's request. In light of the revised guidance, you are strongly advised to consult your legal counsel before taking any action regarding emotional support animal requests. There is no formal registration or certification process for ESA. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tobener Ravenscroft LLP are tenant lawyers who represent clients in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, San Jose, Alameda, Richmond, Hayward, Mountain View, Los Gatos, Marin County, San Bruno, Daly City Santa Rosa, Fremont, Sunnyvale, Redwood City, Napa County, all Bay Area counties, and California.
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