Braxton Bennett Long was initiated into the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. on April 13, 1974 at North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina. Spring 1985- K.S. Need CUSTOM APPAREL for your Organization or Business? Nikki Payne Robert Jackson, At Long's funeral held at the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia, in January, Thomas Battles, Jr., grand polemarch of the fraternity hailed the late preacher as the "ideal Kappa man" and recognized him with the Laurel Wreath pin. Learn more, Already have a GuideStar Account? The purpose of the initiative is to place the training, experience, and friendly interest of successful men, at the disposal of youth needing inspiration and counsel regarding their choice of a lifes career, while the community is made aware of the problems that may be encountered as these youth seek to realize lives of usefulness. John Singleton (Filmmaker) A couple of months after Long's death and funeral, his honor is being disputed. Edward Blake Dr. Randy Hines II Desmond Thomas Arthur Jackson Eddie Long was a Kappa man. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. Candid partnered with CHANGE Philanthropy on this demographic section. Congressman (DMI), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee) Eddie Long was a Kappa man. Damon Mattox Anthony Jones Amistad Rieco Moore Kenton Owens Vincent Melvin Leon James Steven What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, Roderick Martindale Memphis Alumni Chapter - Memphis Alumni Chapter Andre Hale Hayward Turner Dennis Harris, Eddie George - NNDB #11. Cornelius Easter, Craig Daniels Travis Tucker David Tonsall Revelations Trent Hamilton Jeffrey Andrews Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? Spring 1977- K.S. It is important that the petition be accurate, factual, concise and convincingly supported by exhibits. Over the past four decades, the Foundation has evolved from having a singular focus on supporting the programs and initiatives within the fraternity and has sought to establish itself as a leading voice of influence and impact on African-American issues and under-served communities. This giving will fundamentally support the Elder Watson Diggs EducationalEndowment. Famous Members Of Kappa Alpha Psi - Black America Web We have made, and continue to make significant contributions to the advancement of our fundamental purpose of achievement. Specifically, we have most recently shaped our capital campaign around the direct needs and suggestions of the membership throughout the broader Kappa Foundation community. and who do the programs serve? Michael Huff Wesley Vinson Jr. For years, up until the very day he died, Long, a married father, was dogged by a cloud of allegationsstemming from lawsuits filed by multiple men in 2010 who claimed he engaged them in sexual acts. Home [] Timothy Hines Spring/Summer 1992- K.S. Our Young Men Need Us! Reuel L. Williams Civil rights advocate Dr. Leon Sullivan and tennis great Arthur Ashe are two people known to have also received the Laurel Wreath pin. Dennis Comer Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Criticized for Giving Eddie Long Timothy Glaude about GuideStar Pro. Calvin R. Ferguson Norris Bennett Our history is filled with the achievements of creators and inventors and it is time to add new generations to those names on that list. Juanel Sippio The greek letters Phi Nu and Pi are embroidered on the front chest of the shirt. Rodney Wimberly What I think: Eddie Glaude Jr. - Princeton University
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