What Does Double Dribble Mean In Basketball? - Metro League Home Equipment Question: What Is Double Dribbling In Basketball. NBA, NCAA, FIBA, What Is Goaltending In Basketball? On the other hand, under the NBA rules on the double dribble, the ball should be turned over to the opposing team at the closest spot of the violation but no nearer to the end line than the extended free throw line. A player should use one hand at a time with the palm facing the ground when he dribbles the ball. With proper guidance in practice, players will fix their footwork and avoid traveling. For example, if the ball exchanges hands in mid-air before falling back to the ground. As with dribbling, traveling in wheelchair basketball is also a little different than in traditional basketball.
Basketball Rules for Beginners: Common Offensive Violations Where should a player keep their hand when dribbling a ball? Interesting! Verified answer. From the rules for the NFHS (not taken from Wikipedia as it claims to be the same as NCAA, so a different source has been provided.) A double dribble violation is an illegal ball motion that generally involves a player pausing while dribbling and then starting again. (Different Leagues). Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. either foot touches the floor. When a referee spots a double dribble violation, he blows his whistle, puts his right arm up, and his hand signals to ask to stop the shot clock. dribbles the ball. I can actually back this up -- traveling is almost. Then, he calls for double dribbling by moving his hands up and down, mimicking the dribbling motion. Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? In the U.S. they favor good moves over textbook rules as far as I know. While the penalty is not as severe as other violations and fouls, ball turnover can increase the opposing teams chances to score points, putting your teams winning chance at stake. A second step is considered a traveling foul if the player proceeds to dribble the ball afterwards.
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