Two enemies fighting for a boy's heart are forced to work together to save their love. What will happen when Mal comes back and the other VK's and Ben come to get her, but find out what happened to their former friend, Carlos? Carlos was cold, cruel, calculating and impressive as all hell. Nuh-uh. descendants fanfiction carlos 12 years old - Nefarious But with some suspicious V.K.s crossing over, Ben falling out of love for his wife, and Jane falling back into her depressive spiral well, just assume the best case scenario. P What if in descendents there were five worst villians. She was going to do something about it. What If Evie Was Raised By Hades Instead of The Evil Queen? And please don't copy! Completed Marlos love story 25.1K 451 28 It clinks dangerously as he moves, and she eyes it with suspicion. She asks. She knows that the Villains on the Isle deserved death than living. Jane replied innocently, then walk up to carlos who's blushing a little more. But, when she goes to AuradonTheir politics are not right. A clear complexion. After all, theyre all the other gets to have. Anne, born to Fairy Godmother, twin sister of Jane, has always been one of the most popular girls at Auradon Prep. Carlos always had some feelings for Mal when they were on the Isle, but what happens when the arrive at Auradon prep? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Mal and her big brother Mace and their friends get transported into somewhere off the isle where they find themselves in a room with Others from Auridon. Jay watches, quietly as Auradon heals them, slowly, as they begin to grow again. Jay doesn't welcome most touches. Work Search: Here is a large collection of oneshots that I wrote between October 2017 and September 2021. Carlos de Vil Evie (Disney) Ben (Disney: Descendants) Audrey Rose (Disney) Chad Charming Doug (Disney: Descendants) Jane (Disney: Descendants) Fairy Godmother (Disney) Original Male Character (s) Original Female Character (s) Belle (Disney) Adam (Disney) Maleficent (Disney) Evil Queen (Disney) Jafar (Disney) Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians) After stopping a new enemy that seemed to be a bit odd even for one of Ben's enemies. Oh, Anita dear~ his mother sang. What the title says! The evil queen, jafar, cruella de vil, malafacent, and the worst of all rumplestilkskin. They all had problems with their parents, they all knew that parents weren't always good, everyone had come in this place at least once, blood dripping from wounds, new bruises not caused by kids on the Isle. She walked into the classroom, just in front of Jay. But that was only for Ben. "Good morning, baby!" Belle said. Ever since Carlos has been working through life on the isle alone. His chance comes to escape Cruellas clutches when King Ben announces the next set of villain kids to be brought to Auradon.Gil, the son of GastonDizzy, daughter of DrizellaUma, Daughter of Ursulaand Carlos, Son of Cruella De Vil. Mal didn't give her trust away so easily. Browse through and read or take carlos sister stories, quizzes, and other creations . Sorry, i really suck at this summary thing. Finally, someone who didnt act like a beacon of sunshine. Jay shrugged. Harry Hook, the infamous son of Captain Hook. 12 pages December 20, 2015 Lavender . Hey, how are classes going for you guys? Ben asked, painfully earnestly. But when their first play for Fairy Godmother's wand goes sideways, Mal has to trust a masked stranger to rescue her. Carlos has an accident on the ice, and Jay swoops in to save the day. 7.2K 164 10. He was on fire it felt, but it was quiet outside, someone put the demons Dalmatians up. She told him how she looked like, even had a picture of her, big brown eyes, unruly curly ginger hair, freckles, a fair complexion.
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