The Dean of Canterbury, The Very Revd Dr Robert Willis, has announced that he will cease to be Dean at midnight on 16 May 2022, the eve of his 75th birthday. (LogOut/ us is of such great value to me We all hope for some sort of ongoing connection in future months. I dare say most of us were invited, either virtually or personally, to connect and join in. On Monday, March 30, 2020 early in the COVID-19 pandemic Dean Robert commenced with his production partner, Fletcher whose influence, technical support, research capabilities and imaginative capacity cannot be overstated a series of broadcasts aimed at anyone, anywhere who might listen in, as the UK and many parts of the Anglican world at that time entered total lockdown. Indeed, the garden congregation has grown from an initial few dozen to tens of thousands of people around the world. Standard price admission tickets cannot be refunded and exchanged for discounted tickets. Broadcasts took up positions proximate to buttresses which afforded unique cathedral viewpoints throughout the property, all giving the impression that the garden must be the size of Belgium. The Anglican Church in the Sunshine Coast, Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley consisting of 62 parishes and 4 worshipping communities on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish First Nations. On 23rd January 2023 Archbishop Welby conferred the title of Dean Emeritus of Canterbury on Robert Willis. Many in the UK and here in Canada have attempted to change the minds of ecclesiastical lawyers who are allegedly bound by the strictures of Canon Law which in this case seems to be at odds with secular practice. To explore the Church Times website fully, please sign in or subscribe. I have been part of the Garden Congregation over a year. This is Tigger who parked herself next to my chair I am so very grateful as I look back and remember Canterbury in that time frame a short time each day which was so rich in blessing! You are not signed in as a Premium user; you are viewing the free version of this program. Ven. One family in New York is very saddened by this turn of events. So hidebound. THE Very Revd Dr Robert Willis will no longer be Dean of Canterbury, but his international ministry online would continue in some form, he said this week. My deacons orders are my orders I prize most of all, he noted. During the morning service, Robert makes reference to disasters and concerns being suffered in countries around the globe. That connection cannot be severed by an arbitrary date or the flick of a technical switch. Everyday we were given such a precious gift and my soul misses those prayers and teachings, beautiful music and art, gentle stories and laughter, wonderful images and memories we shall always remember! Perhaps it was unintentional at the onset, but Dean Robert and Fletcher (and all the others who helped with the services) brought us together from around the globe to help us show the world what the Creators Kin-dom looks like.
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