The campaign was the first virtual shoot for TENA and was shot in mid-May during lockdown in the UK. The Pine-Sol Lady has been a part of our lives for nearly 30 years, and Diane Amos was the actor who made that part famous. Welcome to, your one-stop destination for all things entertainment! Her stage performances in The Triumph of Anna Zielinski has been an independent producer of faith and family movies now for over 10 years. But Allstate has put his booming voice to great use in its TV ads since 2003, often having him say the slogan, Are you in good hands? Haysbert has also appeared in-person in many of the companys commercials, making him even more visible. "I think creating comedy and absurdity around sensitive issues allows people to take a step back to a place where they can look at it more objectively.". ; the Talent The people who make the spots you love. and inspiration for the global creative community. Based on his long history as a spokesperson with Allstate, Haysbert reportedly commands $3-$4 million a year to work exclusively in their ads. Her love for the lemon-scented cleaning product was seen in a series of TV advertisements starting in 1993, helping boost the profile of the brand. Moynihan debuted as the character in 2014, decked out in an elaborate captains costume, and has been playing the part ever since. Tell us what you think about this feature. TV commercials are a type of advertisement that allow brands to promote their products or services on television, and air during breaks in programming. in association with Ryan Reynolds' production company Maximum Effort understands how uniquely difficult the year was for single people, and the company released in early Decembera commercialhighlighting the hope that 2021 will be better than 2020. She also trained and fasted, aiming to look ripped. As the star of "Nate: A One Man Show," on Netflix, which premiered in 2020, Palamides is a mustachioed and toxically masculine male, wrestling with his own limitations. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Appearing in an ad is typically a thankless job that requires all the usual hoops of auditioning and hoping for a callback but with a smaller paycheck and less notoriety. A husband brings home a bottle of Snuggle SuperCare Fabric Softener with the hope that it'll keep his family's laundry looking new for a long time. See full credits for all work featured and have instant access to the world's most powerful and comprehensive advertising database. While she's now well-known for her work as Mara in the Progressive ads, Natalie Palamides has racked up plenty of other credits along the way.
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