Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Grav in Zombies. Click on the "Prestige Shop" icon. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone will have Double Battle Pass XP live from now until July 12. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the C58 in Zombies. 2020 Activision Publishing, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Earn a Nuclear medal with 21 different weapons with all kills coming from that weapon. In Mauer Der Toten, use Trains to kill 50 enemies. Exfil a game with only using melee attacks. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Diamatti in Zombies. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Hammer and Sickle in Zombies. Revive yourself 10 times by killing an enemy while downed with the Tier V Quick Revive Perk. Call of Duty Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the RPD in Zombies. In Dead Ops Arcade, teleport away from 25 Arenas. Complete all the Mauer der Toten Report challenges, and youll earn a monstrous animated Calling Card featuring an Orda hulking over the streets of Berlin. In Outbreak, earn 50 Perfect Signal, Loud and Clear, or First Class medals (Complete Objective with the machine in very good condition). Acquire 50 Scorestreaks or Killstreaks from Care Packages, Supply Caches, or Buy Stations. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Machete in Zombies. Capture Anton Volkov in Brick in the Wall. Using the Spycraft or Spotter Perk, get 75 kills, assists, destructions, or interceptions with hacked Field Upgrades. ET. Unlock Diamond Camo for all Weapon Classes in Multiplayer. Win a Gunfight Match or your Gulag fight 15 times. Kill 100 enemies distracted by a Decoy tactical equipment using a Frag or Semtex. Stun 25 enemies by reloading with the Tier V Elemental Pop Perk. In my opinion a majority of the calling cards you get as a reward for completing the easter egg on a round based map (or the two outbreak easter eggs) are pretty lackluster, seeing as how there will most likely be one more map coming to cold war I believe that after completing all of the easter eggs both round based AND outbreak, you should get
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