afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. 91% However, theaters may have a longer road back than other businesses for several reasons. New York City is enjoying a luxe-theatre boom, with Landmark just opening in midtown Manhattan at 57 West, Nighthawk Cinema expanding its footprint in Brooklyn, IPic at South Street Seaport and. And you can only get that at the movie theater," said Joe DeChiaro. 50% Proper ID is required. Birmingham, AL 35209 Zombie Politicians See to It, Ferrara: Protect International Affairs Budget, U.S. Department of Education to investigate LCPS over 2021 sexual assaults, Why are teen girls in crisis? RELATED: AMC to offer 15-cent tickets on first day of reopening. As always, we remain committed to our guests, employees, and the local community. Both agreed to contribute $20 million each as an economic incentive for NASCAR to redevelop the 190-acre former General Electric property across the street from Daytona International Speedway. It then built the Regal Treasure Coast 16 megaplex opening March 16, 1986 and downgrading its aging Regency multiplex to a sub-run discount house. At Jim Miller Park in Cobb County, people no longer have to have a medical referral but they must have an appointment for a drive . 79%, Rotten Tomatoes Score CMXs decision to reopen its One Daytona location comes on the heels of announcements by other movie theater chains of their plans to reopen in July. CMX Lakeside Village 18 & IMAX 1650 Town Center Drive, Lakeland, FL 33803 About US CMX Cinemas Lakeside (formerly Cobb Theatres), offers reserved high-back rockers, the latest projection technology on curved high-gain screens, IMAX, 3D and D-Box motion seats and a digital 5.1 sound system. We have to have new, fresh content from the studios.". Hero Day: On Sundays, and as token of appreciation to all frontline workers for their selfless dedication during this pandemic, CMX Cinemas will offer a free ticket to enjoy at any show during that day. Before joining the AJC, Dixon worked for and the Cherokee Tribune in Canton. To do so, there needs to be a rebalancing of the current economic arrangements, which disproportionately benefit the studios and landlords at the expense of the theater companies," the company said. IT'S ME, MARGARET Trailer. Follow Cobb&Co on Facebook. It was closed as a sub-run discount house on May 13, 2001. It has since furloughed most of its hourly employees, keeping locations on life support, he said. Entertainment Film Works - the heir apparent to the Cinema n" Drafthouse followed by Cinema Grill Systems Circuit of Georgia - relaunched here on May 17, 2002 with Star Wars Episode 2. All the EFW Theatres were closed for failure to pay leases. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site.
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