Designing Concrete Masonry Walls For Wind Loads, TEK 14-3A. Pilasters can be the same thickness as the wall but most often project beyondone or both wall faces. These are the ones we have on our shelf. /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]
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Ground face units provide a beautiful, yet very smooth surface that can be used in exterior or interior applications. Concrete Masonry Screen Walls, TEK 3-16A, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2016. False For instance, a 6" CMU is nominally 6" deep while a 10" CMU is nominally 10" deep. 16 0 obj
Help make Archtoolbox better for everyone. A variety of concrete masonry units are designed to increase energy efficiency. (102 3 or 203 mm) module is maintained with 3/8 in. The taper provides a wider surface for mortar and easier handling for the mason. The images below cover the most common shapes, but you should check with your local CMU manufacturer if you need special shapes or finishes. Receive a curated email with industry news focusing on practice, leadership, technology, and career growth. The lateral load that must be resisted by each pilaster is: Sandblasting concrete masonry units also exposes the aggregate, but also blasts away some of the sand and cement to create a rougher appearance. Figures illustrating this relationship are available in Designing Concrete Masonry Walls For Wind Loads (ref. Web areas can be reduced by reducing the web height or thickness, reducing the number of webs, or both. Standard concrete block, or "gray block," is widely known as one of the most practical, long-lasting and cost-effective material used in building. In addition, because of its modular nature, different concrete masonry units can be combined within the same wall to achieve variations in texture, pattern, and color. 2017-06-01T22:20:03-04:00 They do not contain any material that is hazardous to the environment and construction with concrete blocks helps reduce the stress on our forestlands. 1, increased by for load combinations including wind), Where required, units may be manufactured to closer tolerances than those stipulated by ASTM C90. 0000001163 00000 n
Please Select Block Size and Style . = 5386 in.-lb/ft (1996 Nm/m). 2) for more options. 4) (9.5 mm) mortar joints. ASTM C90 includes minimum face shell and web thicknesses for the different sizes of concrete masonry units as listed in Table 1.
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