Click Here to Sign In. Gale databases and eBooks (see Research folder in ClassLink) Grades (use ClassLink) Graduation. Reading endstream endobj 464 0 obj <. ), Acceptable Use Policy for Students(yContrato de Poltica de Uso Aceptable para Alumnos), Code of Student Conduct (FERPA Notifications: p. 7) Cdigo de Conducta del Estudiante, Community Service Hours Guidelines(Student Volunteer Hours for Bright Futures Scholarships), Community Service Hours of Certification(form 90-18-02), Community Service Hours Student Log(form 90-18-03), FHSAA Preparticipation Physical Evaluation, Internet Filter Policy Information for Students) (available in Spanish:Informacin para los alumnos sobre el filtro de Internet), 2009-2021 SRCDS West Navarre Intermediate School For example if my email is my SRCS username is JDoe. @ci!SS;}31\)aqWjpf=n t`5g` Lg>CT1 : With ClassLink, log in once and access all your apps on any device. This will allow you to login to the ClassLink Parent Portal and select any of your students without having to login multiple times. To start using the NEW Santa Rosa County District Schools, visit. 8600 High School Blvd Navarre FL 32566 850.936.6080. email website manager 90 Milton, FL 32570 Seesaw, Let'sGoLearn, etc. Santa Rosa Classlink allows you to quickly and securely reset your own password using one of these methods: Send an authentication code to a mobile phone; . For more information about Tech Support scroll to the bottom of this page. For questions, concerns, or complaints, please contact District Equity and Title IX Compliance Officer: (For Students) Stacy Desideri, Director, Educational Services, 707-890-3800 x80413; (For Employees) Michael Shepherd, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, 707-890-3800 x80602; 211 Ridgway Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Log in once using your SRCS Account and gain access to all applications you need without having to type another password, Reset your own SRCS Account password in case you forget it (you need to set up your password recovery options first -, Access your SRCS network resources from outside the SRCS network (e.g. Free/Reduced Income 2021-2022 Guidelines . Get the Speak Out P3 Tips App in your app store. Visit this page for important information regarding our school district and how to register your children for school. McGraw Hill Access Through ClassLink - SRCS Tech Hub Contact: Hour of Code. SSDI Transportation Plan. Santa Rosa Home - Santa Rosa County District Schools This website is set to expire on June 1, 2023. Gulf Breeze Middle Gulf Breeze Middle 649 Gulf Breeze Pkwy. Parents will be able to create an account on a ClassLink Parent Portal and link their children to the ClassLink account. Santa Rosa Log In Sign in with SSO Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline: 1-800-962-2873 This is a restricted network. Also available to all Florida Residents is. Please call 850-995-3650 if you need any documents Best of all students can access ClassLink from any computer, tablet, or smartphone for anytime, anywhere access. 5th: 5th Grade FSA ELA testing Mission To love, educate, and prepare all students for graduation and a successful future. Centres VHU Agrs - Rgion : Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes
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