Analyzes, interprets and enforces the plumbing, building, electrical and mechanical codes and the zoning ordinances for residential room additions and for electrical, plumbing or mechanical changes to residential projects. 0000006000 00000 n 9-7 Building Official. Street (front, rear or side): 15' (in addition to landscape setback); Property line (rear): 15' (1-story), 20' (2-story); Property line (side): 10' (1-story), 15' (2-story), Common landscaped setback adjacent to perimeter streets, 15' average, 10' minimum(Does not apply to lots fronting onto perimeter streets), Front: 10'; rear: 10'; combined front and rear: 35', street side: 10'; sides: 13' total (3' minimum, unless 0'), Front: 10'; rear: none (established by Building Code); street side: 10'; sides: none (established by Building Code), 18' from back of sidewalk for front-loaded garages, 10' from property line for side-loaded garages, For lots <60': 2 car widths, for lots 60' to 70': 3 car widths, for lots >70': no maximum, 2 stories and 30' (except that 3 stories not exceeding 30' are permitted when approved by the design advisor for demonstrating enhanced architecture), Primary structure, not including attached shade structures: 40%Total: 50%, Development review per Section 507, and subdivision to create 4 or more lots, Public street, or private street built to City standards with a homeowners association established for maintenance, Common retention required for lots less than 8,000 sq. 2 Baths. What are the clearance requirements for heating equipment? $29.34 The email address cannot be subscribed. HOA Fees Include. It is an inspired alternative to traditional . It could be a tree that hangs over a neighbor's yard, or a fence built long-ago that isn't on the actual boundary line. Purpose. Code Compliance - City of Glendale Projects submitted to Building & Safety from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019, shall comply with the following building codes: Click on the links below to view the previously adopted code: Glendale Building & Safety Code, 2014(Ordinance 5813), WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. Living in a No Fence district does not mean you cannot have a fence. Paseo 51 Apartment Rentals - Glendale, AZ | Zillow C.Reserved. Code of Ordinances | Glendale, AZ | Municode Library 15604 N 59th Dr, Glendale, AZ 85306 | 34 Photos - Movoto I verify that the information I have provided on this application is accurate, and that any answers I provide to the following questions are also reflected in the Work Experience section of my application. To confirm zoning of land, buildings and or structures refer to the official zoning map located in the Planning Department, 2nd Floor, 5850 West Glendale Avenue. 3. Table B. Created byFindLaw's team of legal writers and editors Assesses and recognizes own strengths and weaknesses; takes initiative in pursuing self-development and learning to expand skills and increase knowledge. This Code constitutes a complete recodification of the ordinances of the City of Glendale, Arizona of a general and permanent nature. Inspecting all construction within the City of Litchfield Park.
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