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Under the new process, a Statement of Special Inspections form must be completed for projects submitted on or after February 13, 2017.
PDF Electrical Final Inspection Checklist - Austin, Texas ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONSLandscaping Inspections 974-6486 north of the Colorado **Carl Thompson 512-974-2887 512-264-4705 carl.thompson@austintexas.gov Green Building 482-5376 *Marvin Pace 512-974-2729 512-293-4000 marvin.pace@austintexas.gov Texas Gas Service 800-700-2443 *Joe Ramirez 512-974-3488 512-287-1462 joe.ramirez@austintexas.gov Austin Once done, click Request Inspections. Check the box for the inspection you want to schedule. If you experience difficulty with our translated text or need assistance, please call 512-494-9400 or 3-1-1 to speak with a representative. You must be a registered AB+C portal user. Projects associated with commercial properties, multi-family residence, or manufactured home parks. 0
form (pdf), Contractor Disconnect Permitting Ensure the job site address is posted and visible from the street, including identification of all units on site. The Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance, as described in Chapter 6-7 Energy Conservation of the Austin City Code (pdf), requires energy audits and disclosures for all homes and buildings which are served by Austin Energy and located within Austin city limits. This guide outlines the process for connecting a distributed generation facility. Austin City Council approved new base rates for Austin Energy. c: 512-264-5106, Jose Leyvajose.leyva2@austintexas.gov c: 512-366-0546, Gaynell Wilsongaynell.wilson@austintexas.gov The Electrical Service Planning Application (ESPA) is needed to obtain your permit and is also used by the design team to determine your power requirements. Permits that have expired under City Orders. c: 512-905-1403, Victor Acquarolavictor.acquarola@austintexas.gov Are you a solar installer? For Commercial and technical inspections questions for your approved andactivepermit, please email the appropriate contact below: Building -tim.taylor2@austintexas.govMechanical-charles.ablanedo@austintexas.govElectrical-martin.starrett@austintexas.govPlumbing-chad.watson@austintexas.gov. Vui lng gi s 512-494-9400 hoc 3-1-1 ni chuyn vi mt ngi i din. c: 512-560-4085, Andrew Lopezandrew.lopez@austintexas.gov c: 512-999-6853, Tim Yorktimothy.york@austintexas.gov Ensure the latest city-approved plans are accessible for inspection staff. Multiple payment methods accepted. Como cualquier traduccin automtica, no se puede garantizar el contexto y la precisin.
Austin Energy Austin and Travis County are responding to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
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