Notice that some of these wordsare written in more than one way like ROSAand ROSADO.
Lady in Blue, Paul Cezanne (Hermitage Museum): Analysis Listen to some sentences below and try to figure outhow you can describe objects with colors as well. You need to choose (from 4 alternatives) the name of that color in Spanish.
Colours - gender and number | Spanish Grammar | Kwiziq Spanish Using colors in Spanish. Ser(to be) is used instead of estarto describe the color of an object when were talking about a permanent state. Nouns ending in -o, an accented vowel, -or, or -aje are usually masculine. The picture below shows how to write a short list of basic colors in both languages. Fewer examples She's got fair hair and blue eyes. Cul es tu color favorite?What is your favorite color? What color is X? El amarillo es perfecto para la habitacin del beb. Notice how in the previous examples the color adjective ending with -o changes to an -a in the feminine form. (It looks like its going to rain soon. Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks.
Spanish Grammar: Figuring Out Grammatical Gender - Babbel Magazine I thought it was a blue film, but it was a perfume commercial. Spanish colors are actually a special type of adjectives, that is words used to describe objects. Heres an example: If you wanted to say that today the sky is gray because of an impending rainstorm, you could use the verb estar(since its normally blue): Another way to describe color in Spanish is to say that something is de color (the color). Another alternative is Nikki, which has a Greek origin that means . HOW TO UNDERSTAND. These are great lessons! (What color is X?). One of the easiest ways to practice colors in Spanish is to talk about your preferences and describe your surroundings. Lavender. El color que menos me gusta es el rojo.The color I like the least is red. Everybody has a favorite from the Spanish color chart. He's a tasteless man, always telling blue stories. Purple comes in many unique shades that merit their own names. Use "de color" to simplify things 6. The question is similar to How do you say GREEN in Spanish?. Thus, it is common to see constructions such as un guila (an eagle).
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