In an interview with reporters, he gave short shrift to the theory of the Bishops transient global amnesia: I know steaming drunk when I see it, and he was steaming drunk there is no doubt the man could hardly stand up he stank of booze.. the Lord Bishop of Southwark. Theology has become more flexible, of course. Eye-witness Paul Sumpter claimed the bishop fell on the pavement, hitting his head, after trying to get into the property developer's car. Butler's beliefs were cited as the reason for some "valid but irregular" ordinations in his diocese. Less than five hours later Dr Butler, a regular on Radio 4s Thought for the Day, arrived at his home in Tooting with head wounds, bruises and a black eye. Anna Eltringham named new Bishop of Ripon - The Diocese of Southwark However, the 'mugging' is no longer being investigated by the Metropolitan police. More worryingly for the Anglican council, was that he had also revealed the drinking habits of his fellow clerics in wine writer Cyril Rays periodical The Compleat Imbiber. Archbishop John Wilson - The Hope Within You 26 bishops of the Church of England sit in the House of Lords, which is the Second Chamber of the United Kingdom Parliament. The headline accompanies a story about a report into allegations around an incident last December involving the Bishop of Southwark, the Rt Revd Dr Tom Butler. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. He retired from this position on 5 March 2010. VirtueOnline is the Anglican Communion's largest Biblically Orthodox Online News Service, read by more than 4,000,000 readers in 170 countries each year. Patrick Cockburn, the author and expert on Iraq, was one of those collared by the Bishop. You may even spot a mitre or two. In 2014, Butler was involved in the transition process for the new Diocese of Leeds as "mentor bishop"; he remains an honorary assistant bishop of that diocese. The address of the Bishops residence, his final stop, was also incorrect. The Revd Canon Anna Eltringham, currently the Team Rector for Oxted, in the Diocese of Southwark, will be the new Bishop of Ripon, Downing Street announced this morning. I am not in a position to say dogmatically anything more about it. And just 10 weeks before his thanksgiving mass, the last ale had been brewed at the famous Youngs brewery in Wandsworth. I went to the doctor . I'm very careful. Curious incident in the night leaves Bishop of Southwark with black eye Nicola Sumpter, who owns the car, said: "My boyfriend and his pal raced outside and were stunned to see a grey-haired man in the back seat. Lords Spiritual - The Church of England in Parliament The Bishop of Southwark is facing a battle to keep his job after he was apparently found in a tired and emotional state in the back of a stranger's car after a Christmas party. He was getting louder and louder.". Property developer Paul Sumpter, 39, was playing pool in the bar and ran out to see the hazard warning lights of his silver Mercedes A200 saloon flashing and the rear door open. BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Bishop scorns drunkenness claims
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