Term Dates | NUSA Copies of the school Careers policy and the Provider Access (Baker Clause) policy are available here. table tr:nth-child(2n) { The staff wellbeing package is open . } URN: 147285. Autumn Term 2022. These are college dates for full-time students taking classroom-based courses. Title: AUGUST 2012 Author: Administrator Created Date: 12/1/2020 3:27:36 PM . Monday 29th May 2023 to Friday 2nd June 2023, Inset Days| Monday 4th September 2023, Tuesday 5th September 2023, Wednesday 6th September 2023 (Whole School), October Holiday On Sunday 15th May several Portland College learners and citizens took part in the Nottinghamshire Special Olympics . Planning: What will grade boundaries look like in 2022 We will be issuing formal offer letters to all applicants in the coming weeks. Academic Calendar 2022-23 (June 2022) Academic Calendar 2023-24 (February 2023) Ever considered studying.
Academic Calendar 2021-22 website - Bilborough College 1 0 obj
Help With Choosing What to Study. Find out when the bank holidays, half term breaks and term start or end dates are. -
Please note that whilst our calendar pattern is broadly similar to the Nottinghamshire County Council term dates, there are some differences particularly the autumn half-term break: You can download our academic calendar here: Its close to where I live and has an excellent rep. Portland Spencer is a warm and friendly primary academy, where we are dedicated to exemplary teaching and learning. Monday 3rd April 2023 to Friday 14th April 2023 There have been schools on our estate since 1948, under different names throughout the years, allowing thousands of local children to begin . } If your course has more than one deadline, this means that applications are considered in two or more separate . Term Starts. Facilities. Most providers will be inspected again by September 2025. 27 January 2022. . For Trent College day pupils: 16.00 on Friday 27 May (buses leave at 16.20) to 08.30 on Monday 6 June. We can also inspect without notice. We would like to invite you to have a look around and speak to our teaching staff to hopefully get an idea of what you would like to do when you leave school and see exactly what Bilborough Sixth Form College has to offer. Early Decision. endobj
In our community, pupils achieve more than their very best exam results. color: #ffffff !important; This had two main implications for the College.
Summer term. Firstly, staff and students, with the exception of SEND provision are no longer required to test twice weekly. Term Dates 2021-22; Term Dates 2022-23; Information.
Portland Spencer Academy - Term Dates & School Holidays Prospectus 2021 Contact us Information and Advice.
Bilborough College - Profile (2023) Term Dates; Autumn Term 2nd Sep 2021 - 24th Oct 2021: Autumn Term-2 30th Oct 2021 - 23rd Dec 2021: Spring Term 8th Jan 2022 - 20th Feb 2022: Spring Term-2 26th Feb 2022 - 10th Apr 2022: Summer Term 23rd Apr 2022 - 29th May 2022: .
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