Your Bala shark could be under stress and it may lead to color loss. In addition to their dry food, Bala sharks need live protein. Fish with Ich have white spots on their scales and are often seen flashing (or scratching) against rough surfaces in the tank. These white spots irritate the fish skin, so itll swim erratically and rub itself against objects and tank walls. After the eggs have been fertilized, the parents leave the eggs alone. The most common Bala Shark external parasites are anchor worms, fish lice, and flukes. 1. Can they get along with other fish species? Raise the water temperature to 82o F for three days. Assuming that youve committed to raising bala sharks, you want to make sure that your tank is set up properly. The bala shark is a freshwater species of the Cyprinidae family. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. To avoid overfeeding, feed the fish an amount it can eat within about two minutes. Bala shark with red area on dorsal fin | Tropical Fish Forums Remember to remove the carbon filter during treatment because itll absorb the medication, rendering it useless. A lot of Bala Shark owners reported that their fish play dead by floating upside down near the waters surface. Dont get a bala shark if your tank is small or contains large predatory fish. Each bala shark is different in how often they might twitch. Making this a habit will help you provide better care for your Bala Sharks, and prevent you from having to deal with unwanted surprises. They tend not to eat many of the fry, but if you are concerned, make sure you have a lot of plants, both at the surface and the bottom for fry to hide in until they are larger. As such, its not uncommon to see them twitching around while they are trying to understand and get to know your aquarium. Theyre found in tanks, The Dojo Loach (aka Weather Loach or Pond Loach) is one of our all-time favorite freshwater species. Although bala sharks are prone to stress, you can do several things to make them feel better. He may get better or get worse and show signs of a disease we can diagnose. Use a stabilizer to maintain healthy conditions in your tank. My name is Jeff, and my goal with this site is to share everything I've learned over the years about caring for aquatic life. Although bala sharks are big fish, theyre docile and peaceful. It is recommended that aquarium owners place hiding spots for Bala Sharks to rest in when tired of swimming. Its body is lighter gray at the top than at the bottom. You can easily accomplish this with a solid heater. Frankly speaking, Bala sharks are a joy to feed. Availability. Home Aquatic Problems & Solutions Common Bala Shark Diseases to Watch For. Dropsy is a common disease that many fish species may suffer from, including Bala Sharks. Remove activated carbon media from the tanks filter while adding treatment to the water, because activated carbon will adsorb the medication. I just brought home a 5" Bala Shark from Petsmart. To treat dropsy, add teaspoon of Epsom salt to every five gallons of water in the tank, and speak to your veterinarian about antibacterial medication for the disease. Bala Sharks may show signs of stress in various situations, such as: Keeping a single Bala Shark in the tank for a long time (you should keep at least 4 to 6) It is crucial to have a good water filtration system, and fish owners should try to leave these fish undisturbed during this time frame. Youll be rewarded with a healthy, happy aquarium filled with beautiful bala sharks!
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