Superb full shield and crown with bold P+T (tiny P) to left and denomination o-VIII to right, also nice full cross-lions-castles with bold full date to left, virtually no corrosion, toned in crevices. Recovered from: Atocha, sunk in 1622 west of Key West, Florida I have met a great many famous people . As for ancient Roman and Greek coins, metal detecting has come a long way in the last 50 years. Appraisal value $1400 seems high but we'll see. body,td,th {
Recovered from: Atocha, sunk in 1622 west of Key West, Florida 25.81 grams. With Fisher tag and certificate 85A-163017, pedigreed to the RWB Reference Collection of Atocha dated cobs. He was one of the most unusual people that I have ever met. Estimate: 1500 - 2250 USD Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1619 T, Grade 1. Every Atocha and Margarita historic artifact on the Mel Fisher website can be guaranteed to be authentic and comes with a documented Certificate of Authenticity that can trace the item from the seabed - to our conservation lab - to you. 24.87 grams.
Atocha coin Real Or Fake - TreasureNet The Original Treasure reales silver Atocha coin was roughly equivalent to one months pay for a sailor
Estimate: Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1618 T, Grade 1. Atocha 2 Reales Grade 2 $5,500. }
The second put up of Whittier Bolivian medals will appear in Sedwick s April 2020 Treasure Auction. padding-top: 45px;
21.33 grams. 26.71 grams. Full shield and cross despite peripheral corrosion, bold full I6Z of date, silvery. This is emerald number 93. 20th 1985. With Fisher tag and certificate 85A-140331, pedigreed to the RWB Reference Collection of Atocha dated cobs. Atocha Coins, Jewelry, Artifacts; 1715 Fleet Coins; 1715 Fleet Coin Jewelry; . With original Fisher tag and certificate 85A-146908. No pitting or erosion should be evident except for details missing at the edges. With Fisher tag and certificate 85A-145117, pedigreed to the RWB Reference Collection of Atocha dated cobs. IV); Cal-1436 (under Ph. With original Fisher tag and photo-certificate 85A-267274. Recovered from: Atocha, sunk in 1622 west of Key West, Florida 1715 Fleet shipwreck treasure please contact us at the link below. The other was proven to be real. Choice full shield with most of crown and P-Q, full but slightly doubled cross, out-of-round shape with some edge loss but interiors uncorroded. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
Authentic Rare Coins - MFT S-P21; KM-10; Cal-927. The number one question on everyone's mind. Recovered from: Atocha, sunk in 1622 west of Key West, Florida Recovered from: Atocha, sunk in 1622 west of Key West, Florida The top-selling silver lot was lot 322, a Mexico City, Mexico, cob 8 reales dated 1709J that realized $ 3,332 on an calculate of $ 350 to $ 500. 26.59 grams. Estimate: 1500 - 2250 USD Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1621 T, quadrants of cross transposed, new style of lions, Grade 1. Recovered from: Atocha, sunk in 1622 west Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1620 T, Grade 4. With Fisher tag and certificate 85A-167825, pedigreed to the RWB Reference Collection of Atocha dated cobs.
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