Very good very. If you have your own expert knowledge, that would be most ideal, though. console.log(e); Powered by Shopify. WebCome to us for an antique appraisal, when youre preparing to sell your pieces. ceramics. iframeStyle = (iframe.frameElement || iframe).style; var Shopify = Shopify || {}; Among our collection you will find rare antiques such as Chinese porcelain, antique snuff bottles, opium pipes for sale, antique silver tankards, incense burners, whiskey jars opera items, tortoise shell carving, antique buddha statues, burmite amber, jade and more! WebWhere do you find Asian Antiques to appraise? Even if you have sufficient specialist knowledge to identify or authenticate the antique yourself, it may still be a good idea to ask for an appraisal, or better more than one, if a costly antique is involved. If you have any precious, valuable and rare Asian art to sell, come to us right away. The latest record for the sale of a Chinese vase sold at Sothebys in Paris was 16.2 million euros! Decorations. }); = {"id":null,"handle":null}; } }; negatively affect the result! Chait Chait and his unique offerings sold at auction have appeared on most major cable and network news outlets including CNN, MSNC, CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox. Show your piece of the collection to our experts and find out various details about the artwork so that you can further decide whether or not to sell it. Grandfather clocks. var match = window.location.pathname.match(/checkouts\/(.+)\/(thank_you|post_purchase)/) Porcelain creations are indeed considered to be true works of art. Be careful of unscrupulous appraisers.Ask for a quotation or price for the antique appraisal beforehand, just to make sure it doesn't add up too much. 'trackLink' Many a times clients come to us to sell the antique for urgent cash. parent = parent || doc.body; Depending on the item, we recommend contacting Christies for information on appraisals (or auction sales) of finer Asian textile arts or stay away. This is a review for antiques in Whittier, CA: "Absolutely fun antique shop. He holds a master's degree in art history, has studied art conservation in Japan, and has 35 years of appraisal experience. We Buy Antiques. } WebRobert Waterhouse is a Chinese antique appraiser & buyer of all Asian antiques & art. Mr. Chait is also an accomplished Jazz singer and plays regular gigs with his quartet in his spare time and is completing his manuscript for a comprehensive guide to collecting Asian Art to be released next year. If you have a passion for collecting Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, or Southeast Asian art and artifacts, you would know accurate pricing is almost as important as authenticity. } We also specialize in the sale and appraisal of antique clocks (including collections). ga('send', 'pageview'); Copyright 20042023 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. Other Portals and References for Japanese Sources: To communicate with us please click | touch here. We have established a well earned reputation during the past 43 years as experts in the field of Asian arts.
Asian sendRequest: function sendRequest(endpointUrl, payload) { Available for obligation free appraisals in Arizona, including Tucson and Phoenix and locally including The Treasure Coast including Vero Beach and Stuart and Miami, all Southern Florida.
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