: S-18170: LANCE PRUITT v. 1957 - March 22, 2023 Appeal from the Alaska Workers' Compensation Appeals Commission. Even if he had not done so, he could have asked for a continuance of the trial to conduct discovery when Krogman raised the issue, or he could have filed a timely motion to reopen the evidence following the court's application of the presumption against him. Several students have commented to me that it has inspired them to pursue their legal careers further," Fortson says. 0000005078 00000 n 2021 University of Alaska Anchorage UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual. Justice '07, AK-SAKI conducts research on DPS policies, procedures, Justice Center welcomes back students with a BBQ, Embracing Diversity and The supreme court has final state appellate jurisdiction in both civil and criminal law matters. The court ordered Burns-Marshall to make an equalization payment to Krogman. Court of Appeals Oral Argument Calendar April 2023 Anchorage, Boney Courthouse Date Time Minutes Case# Case Name Per Side A13622 Anthony Jenkins-Alexie v. State of Alaska 04/27/2023 9:30 am 30 Party Attorney Firm Anthony Jenkins-Alexie Public Defender Agency, Anchorage Emily L. Jura State of Alaska Donald Soderstrom Attorney General's Office Livestream Hearings can be viewed at: https://stream.akcourts.gov/. The Fairbanks 4: Lessons Learned from Alaska's First Exoneration, How the U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments are taking forever. The justices - CNN 13. If you have any questions, please contact the court at (907) 747-3291 or send an email to 1SImailbox@akcourts.gov. On the Friday of 10. The court usually announces its decisions of the cases by issuing opinions for official publication (in Westlaw, the Pacific Reporter and the Alaska Reporter) as well as memorandum opinions and judgments (MO&Js) and orders summarily ruling on the merits of cases or dismissing them. Forms Program (ANIROP), Recruitment and Retention of such a decision in a brief or at oral argument should review Alaska Appellate Rule 214(d). Argument Transcripts - Supreme Court of the United States The legislators argued that the longstanding dividend program was a law exempt from the anti-dedication clause. 197 0 obj <>stream Burns-Marshall filed a motion for reconsideration of the superior court's property division, asking the court to consider the costs and risks involved in selling the property and to modify the property division by awarding Krogman the Homer lot or, alternatively, calculating the equalization payment based on the actual sale price. Partner, Impact For CINA and Mental Commitment cases conference line information, please call the Ketchikan Court at 907-225-3195 extension 0. The days on which arguments are held are identified on the Students are required to The Court may hear an appeal of a criminal case if the lower court certifies that it involves an issue of substantial public interest or a significant question of constitutional law. Wrangell customer service is modified to be appointment only. The written findings of fact and conclusions of law recited almost verbatim its oral decision except that the court had calculated the precise amount of the equalization payment to $73,266.29.3. They also can be removed, suspended, or censured at the discretion of the Supreme Court, based on a recommendation by the Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct.
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