Alan Krashesky - Retired News Anchor/Reporter ABC-TV Chicago - LinkedIn I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and am looking forward to being back on the ABC 7 anchor desk sometime in January. She was in a bad way, recalls Reginas 79-year-old brother, Walter Janusky, a former state trooper who lives in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania. His professionalism, skill as an anchor and fairness as a reporter has earned not only countless awards but the respect of our viewers and his ABC 7 colleagues. Here we are all these years later and Im sitting in an office a block and a half from Marina City, the building where those radio broadcasts were originating when I was in high school, he says. While people are thrilled about his new life, it . Ive thought about it over the years. I dont know if he knew what he was missing before, she says, but I think once he became a part of my family and saw our tight bond, he realized., Throughout his 13 years at Hershey, his mother maintained regular contact with him and would visit monthly, as often as the school allowed. Chicago magazine newsletters have you covered. Ans. Founded in 1909 by chocolate magnate Milton S. Hershey, the home and school first catered to orphan boys and later, when Krashesky was there, to boys socially orphaned due to poverty or other circumstances. Alanor, as we like to refer to him at ABC, Mr. Perfect is how Giangreco introduced Krashesky at a May luncheon honoring him with a Dante Award, bestowed annually by the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans on a member of the Chicago media who heeds poet Dante Alighieris call to be no timid friend to truth. We look forward to The Krash Chronicles, the sports anchor continued, referring to the family Christmas card, basically a collage of photos and maps and all these wonderful images detailing their vacations. Alan started his career at WLS as a reporter in 1982 when he was just 21 years old. When he got diagnosed with an unknown illness in November 2020 then he underwent a planned surgical procedure and lived at a home for recovering. He explained that he had not become a pilot but he still wanted her to go for an airplane ride. According to the police, she was not the intended target. After 35 years at WLS-Channel 7, Alan Krashesky is living proof that nice guys finish first. The first of Krasheskys many letters to Colleen was 10 handwritten pages, front and back. Type above and press Enter to search. His first daywhich, he will tell you from memory, was October 4, 1982the 21-year-old was sent to the scene of a school bus accident along with two other men, one dressed casually and the other in a suit.
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