Sometimes, as the cups also rule relationships, you may find that co-workers can be less friendly and helpful at this time. From the cup, five streams of water flow out into a sea overfilled with lotus blossoms. If you do a job just for the money, you will become unhappy in the long run because an inner connection with your daily work is important to maintain your motivation. These people have nurturing qualities and they are highly intuitive. They are ready to open their heart to the world with an overflowing sentiment of love for life. You will feel highly energetic and active, recovering from your other health issues. Artists. If you are already in a relationship, a new stage of intimacy, compassion and understanding can be reached between the two of you. In the past, you were very generous with your words and deeds. Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Your love can encompass any creature on earth, giving you a great sense of oneness. The Ace of Cups as a person represents someone who makes you feel loved. If your Tarot reader leaves the Ace of Cups in the Tarot spread before you, the cards around it gain an influence over the meaning of this special Tarot symbol. Theyll see their brother in the delivery service guy. Below the hand is a vast sea covered with lotus blossoms, signifying the awakening of the human spirit. The Ace of Cups as a person represents someone who makes you feel loved. Your intuition sends you a clear message to answer your question with a yes. Lovers. In the future, you will have to make important decisions that require careful analysis. There are strong chances of a new beginning that will be emotionally fulfilling and nurturing for you. 2023 Sibyl Tarot. There is a generous, compassionate side to the Ace of Cups, too. Try to see money for what it is, a means of payment made of paper, and do not blindly chase after it. By radiating and giving love, your environment will react positively to it and give you back a lot of joy and life energy.
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