Judy Bernly: % Want more songs? I am a married man. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB
Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more. Franklin Hart, Jr.: What did you say it was called? [She beams, while Tinsworthy marches Hart into the elevator]. 199 terms. Get your scummy hands off me. Los Angeles, CA, Auditons for AMDA (Virtual)
It could happen to anyone. Violet, honey, would you come over here for a second?
Violet Newstead from 9 to 5 Summary & Breakdown | StageAgent Please note:This post contains affiliate links. I'll tell you what I'm talking about: I'm no girl; I'm a woman, do you hear me? Violet Newstead: "HA" is right! Violet Newstead: They all think I'm screwing the boss! See were not The Guy. >>
Except the one person who WOULD want to. The woman finds employment in the department of Franklin Hart Jr., an oppressing boss. Oh, so its the old boys club. I'm gonna go to the pen. 0000032087 00000 n
I've killed the boss, you think they're not gonna fire me for a thing like that? /Info 2 0 R
I love when you get angry like that. We could write it up that it's top secret. No, you wait a minute! /Type /XObject
The little guy cooks and coaches ball and balances budgets and squeezes a dollar as far as it can go, and works her ass off, and if that doesnt qualify her to be heard and seen and respected, well WHAT DOES? Look, I've been straight with you since the first day I got here. Yeah, I think we can pull it off.
monologue spoken by Violet in the musical 9 to 5 - YouTube How dare you give that promotion to *Bob Enright* instead of me! The biggest "sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot" boss on the planet.
PDF Brooklyn Technical High School While he's earning his pathetic little *Associate's* Degree, I'm working my hands to the bone for this Company! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Bonjour bonjour bonjour! It's an Associate's Degree.
Uh, Judy? lamberto10.
But, instead]
'9 to 5: The Musical' (Violet): "I am no girl. I am a woman." Violet Newstead:
Violet Newstead: <<
Violet Newstead: Anything she hears, he hears. That said, welcome aboard. You're foul, Hart. My poor kids. Oh, you're a doctor!
525 W San Jose Ave, Fresno, Ca 93704,
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