Principal Anyone can help? Yarra Valley Grammar is a registered education institution and is currently accepting new student enrolments for 2023/2024. This specific focus on academic rigour in the senior years starts at Year 10, where a uniquely designed pre-VCE curriculum is offered to prepare students for their final two years. Our Year 11 and 12 students can then approach their studies with confidence and preparedness. Yarra Valley Grammar students thrive in an atmosphere of support, encouragement and positivity. Established in the heart of Melbourne's east in 1966 and set on a spacious 29-hectare campus, Yarra Valley Grammar overlooks the Yarra Valley and the picturesque Dandenong Ranges. Yarra Valley Grammar is classed as specialising in Education. You will need to get in touch with the school directly for details. In 2012 a fire destroyed a large part of the school's upper senior campus, including the science, mathematics and laboratory buildings. which is found in the region of Saturday: 9am - 5pm Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Year 7 and 8 entry Rhne-Alpes, former rgion of France. Visitors: over Choral scholarship applicants - At least two years choral experience. View the scholarships which are on offer at Yarra Valley Grammar. The giving and receiving of scholarships should be for egalitarian rather than transactional reasons, believes Yarra Valley Grammar principal Mark Merry. Hughes House is named after Dale Hughes, a founding member of Yarra Valley Grammar. A primary school is an institution that typically caters towards students of the ages between 5 and 12. Study at Yarra Valley Grammar | Study in Australia Secondary education at Yarra Valley Grammar is divided into two schools the Middle School for Years 7-9 students and Senior School for students in Years 10-12 - with lots of opportunities for vertical integration between year levels. Established in the heart of Melbournes east in 1966 and set on a spacious 29-hectare campus, Yarra Valley Grammar overlooks the Yarra Valley and the picturesque Dandenong Ranges. Compulsory 'core' subjects exist from years 7 to 10 with electives being offered to students from year 9. The giving and receiving of scholarships should be for egalitarian rather than transactional reasons, believes Yarra Valley Grammar principal Mark Merry. Our students enjoy all the benefits of a separate, small primary school, while at the same time having full access to the outstanding facilities and opportunities offered as part of a whole-school approach to continuous learning. million, Page views: over The Melbourne Chancellor's Scholarship offers a generous fee exemption to students, as well as a guaranteed place in the graduate program of their choice including the Doctor of Medicine, Juris Doctor (Law) and other professional entry graduate programs.
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