Make sure someone films the inevitable arrest, too. If you want to learn about some of the best (or worst) cruel sanctions and want the fantasy research and draft preparation that will keep you safe from them this season you've come to the right place. A guy lost his fantasy football league and had to play US Open localsand it didnt go well. This one is probably the most common viral punishment, as well as the most controversial. Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images, Pat's Boozehound Fantasy Football League is a 14-team PPR from the Bronx with this simple ritual: "The week before the draft, the last-place finisher is taken to a paintball location, where he has to dress as a lion and be hunted by everyone else in the league.". Picture a 40 year old walking into a high school classroom to take a four-hour standardized test alongside nervous teenagers, all because they forgot to set their lineup a time or two. If you want to make them wear an elf costume, all the better. The loser must sit in a kid-sized plastic chair for the duration of the next fantasy draft. Not only is this hilarious but it is nothing but a pain for the loser. Most important, the trophy features a removable set of realistic-looking balls. The loser would have to let the champion select their team. This fantasy group takes it to the next step. Michael Kimball (@mkimball011) August 14, 2018, So much crying. We've all seen a Goldman or Silverman tap dancing around whatever famous street (Bourbon, Hollywood Blvd, Times Square, etc) there is in your city. If you don't know what Waffle House is, then you're missing out. 21 Best (or Worst) Punishments for Losing Your Fantasy Football Leagues in 2021, punishment requires spending 24 straight hours at a Waffle House restaurant. Meanwhile, all the eyes (and cameras) of the other league members are there to soak in the hilarious occasion. Dynasty vs. Keeper Leagues: Whats the Difference Between These Fantasy Football Leagues? Prove it in front of a crowd of complete strangers who are expecting real stand-up comedy show or motivational speaking. It doesnt end there. But what if your score is terrible? I mean, we receive shiny trophies for winning, shouldnt the loser also get something shiny for their placement? But lets be serious. Maybe next year buddy and good luck on the test. However, each entree you eat takes an hour off your time. Meanwhile, if your friend doesn't pass with a certain score, you can lobby additional punishments on top of this one. 2021 FANTASY SLEEPERS: Even if the burrito is from chipotle I would have a hard time believing that the burrito tastes good while sitting in a port-a-potty. This would include Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The loser of the league dresses in a carrot costume.
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