^PER`QE Taxi licences | City Of Wolverhampton Council ( ( Some drivers may have taken on related work as delivery drivers, the report added. Summary of CCTV Requirements 1. Wolverhampton City Council, Download a zip file of all correspondence, Children and adults removed by social services due to poor housing conditions, Correspondence between UBER BRITANNIA LIMITED and Wolverhampton City Council. Private Hire Driver Licence Application The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. ( u&?JC Across the weekend (Friday 18 December and Saturday 19 December), 27 taxi drivers were issued with enforcement action, including defect notices or suspension of licenses. Councillor Alan Bolshaw, the citys licensing chief, said: Councillor Bird seems to have come quite late to the party. View as HTML. ( PDF Complaints Procedure - Civica Its quick, easy and totally free. Established in 2008. TheFreedom of Information Act 2000may restrict the release of some or The Councils Guidelines are regularly reviewed and as of November 2022 are currently under review pending the anticipated publication of Government Best Practice Guidance. Has the incident been reported to the police. The report noted there had been a decline in the number of private hire drivers nationally since 2020, possibly, it said, because drivers had left the industry after seeing a loss of trade during the Covid-19 pandemic. Once a statement is provided you may be asked to give evidence in court. "At the moment, some drivers can take advantage of a loophole where they can apply to get a licence in an authority that has less stringent assessments and ply their trade in an area which does. Many established taxi drivers say the Deregulation Act 2015 is threatening their livelihoods and claim a change in the application process is "risking customer safety". Taxi drivers licensed by a council which is accused of threatening public safety are suspected of serious sexual offences. NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email. Papers found the situation had emerged since the government in 2015 ruled drivers could register anywhere in the country, not just their local area. As of the middle of last month, there were 2,634 applications in the queue, with 1,924 processed but awaiting more information from the applicant. Please provide number of complaints received by council in relation to uber taxis from 2015-2019, Information request Taxi drivers protesting in Wolverhampton last year over the city council's controversial licensing system.
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