Witnesses - Scottish Courts Case workers from the Scottish Government will support and communicate with applicants. A witness who has been impacted by the subject matter of the case, for example witnessing a traumatic event, could be treated as a vulnerable party. blanked out). Taking oral evidence by video or telephone from persons located abroad 25 July 2022. If you think that you may be a vulnerable witness, you should discuss this with the person citing you in a case. full or provisional driving licence (with a photo). 80. 19. As such, we commit to work together to understand and meet victim and witness needs, treating them appropriately, professionally and with respect at all times. This is to account for situations in which it is unlikely that the applicant will ever receive the payment to which they are entitled, for example, because of the financial situation of the organisation required to make the payment. In exceptional circumstances, Redress Scotland may use its discretion as to whether the panel can be satisfied that the applicant was resident in a relevant care setting as a child without the production of supporting documents, or where case workers have been unable to verify the documents submitted. Case workers will seek to verify the information provided by the applicant in relation to previous payments. It is also understood that record keeping was often inconsistent or inadequate in the past, and that for a variety of reasons, records which were kept may no longer be available. 3. 85. The Civil Procedure Rules state that an affidavit can be used in place of a witness statement, but the extra costs of an affidavit are not usually recoverable.[1]. Some applicants may have previously made a statement about their abuse, for example to the police or in connection with civil court proceedings. 91. Sources of such information may include a copy of a court judgement or interlocutor, correspondence from a solicitor, care provider, local authority or other third party in relation to a previous payment, or correspondence with CICA. Before exercising its discretion, Redress Scotland may ask case workers to request further information from the applicant and / or may ask the Scottish Government to require the provision of specified information, documents, objects, or other items of evidence from any other relevant person or body. Click 'Accept all cookies' to agree to all cookies that collect anonymous data.
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