Fists fly, kicks land, titans clash -- and only one side will make it out ali Read allA quiet drifter is tricked into a janitorial job at the now condemned Willy's Wonderland. Willy. But this wonderland has a dark secret that the "The Janitor" is about to discover. The duo attempted to rape him however he killed Donnie and strangled Cap'N however he was caught by the orderlies and taken to isolation where he met another deranged inmate Jerry Willis whom befriended him and let him into his circle of friends the "Crazy Eight". Owner Tex Macadoo offers him to work as a night-shift janitor in exchange for repairing his vehicle before he and Jed leave him locked in the restaurant. 9 32. [21] Nick De Semlyn of Empire gave the film a score of three out of five stars, concluding that, "though the dialogue and plotting are no great shakes, that commitment to the concept, combined with Cage's swaggering soda-swigger, is enough to make this a good time. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. Heres how it works. My disappointment is that what you get with any ten-minute segment of the movie is generally the same thing you'll get with any other portion. Ever since the trailer for this movie, people have been posting about it nonstop, and as far as I can tell, literally all these threads have been removed. If not, don't waste your time. Animatronics Suddenly, the animatronics (possessed by serial killers) have man-eating behaviors to attack, scare, and even and kill and devour children. Willy and the Janitor fight each other until the Janitor rips Willy's head off. Not having one single line throughout the entire film was a bold move, but it made it that much more enjoyable honestly. The mundane tasks suddenly become an all-out fight for survival against wave after wave of demonic animatronics. Cage plays a janitor hoodwinked into working overnight at the abandoned pizza parlor and he doesn't say a word for the entire movie.
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