The next day he has no dog, and when the other guys go out to the field he has nobody to comfort him. Free trial is available to new customers only. There is a hidden purpose behind Carlson's shooting of Candy's old dog. In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, who actually steals Carlson's gun? What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? What is Carlsons solution to the problem presented by the dog? He wrote a letter to the editor, praising the publication What is Old Susy's place? "Don't you remember Bill Tenner? eNotes Editorial, 25 Jan. 2014, Lennie is afraid that he has done something bad, but George reassures him that he hasn't. Candy takes an immediate dislike to the Old Dog and openly expresses this to Carlson. Both Candys dog and Lennie die relatively peaceful deaths and do not suffer while dying. Carlson completely ignores any sentimental or affectionate feelings Candy might have for his dog and only focuses on the dogs uselessness, suffering, and inconvenience. We go in to old Susy's place. His hand is cut off, so he cant lift stuff. Candy was heartbroken when Carlson shot her dog. Related Read: Can you bring your dog to lazy dog? The exact reason is never mentioned. Curley's wife has just come into the bunkhouse "looking" for Curley. I won't have no place to go, an' I can't get no more jobs.(Steinbeck, 60) This quote really symbolizes the suffering that Candy goes through and how the men were willing to kill the old dog, while letting the old guy suffer. And Slim gave him none. Curley is described as a little aggressive dog with more bark than bite. When she confronted him about it, he claimed that the dog was "just a nuisance" and that he "had to shoot it." I'llI'll smash 'em with a stick" (p. 58). Candy regrets allowing Carlson to do the deed becasue he knows that it was his responsibility to put the dog down out of love and mercy. Carlson wanted to shoot Candys dog because it was smelly, but mainly because it was old, toothless, and overall in a miserable physical state, and Carlson wanted to put it out of its misery. Lastly, he states that the dog is no good to himself. The dog and its weakness is a symbolism Steinbeck used to compare to Candy and his missing hand. Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog? But they wont do nothing like that. Both of these instances where Carlson kills Candys dog and George kills Lennie, supports the theme of loyalty and friendship. The dog is too old to be of any use and stinks up the room. She was also sad that she would never see her dog again. The skinner had been studying the old dog with his calm eyes. He thinks the dog is ugly and reminds him of a drowned rat. Whit closed the magazine impressively. How is Lennie different from the other men?
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