Are Rue and Jules Dating in Euphoria? Why Did They Break Up? Nate apologizes for everything he did. Rue was instantly drawn to Jules, the optimistic and adventurous newcomer to the boring suburbs. Summer Reading Program - Chinese - Prince William County Public Schools Thank you for joining us in Bible Study today. The big question looms: Does he know he's messaging Jules, and if so, what does he intend? Although there were approximately one million stressful moments in this one (shout-out to Maddy and that chili dump! Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Does Nate know the identity of his new sexting buddy, and does he have sinister motives or not? 'Euphoria' Episode 3 Explains Why Cal Jacobs Is So F****d Up Only two episodes in, HBO's Euphoria is already starting up at least one pattern: including one major, game-changing twist in the final minutes of an episode. In Sunday's episode two, the final moments show violent jock Nate, the son of "DominantDaddy" Cal, texting Jules on a hookup app. Euphoria fans have a theory about who Nate wants to be with, after Reddit user Discgolfjohnny thinks Nate has some seriously complicated feelings for Jules and wrote, Were just as confused as Nate, which is the point. Yeah, he turns out to be Nate all along. Euphoria: Nate's Biggest Crush Is Neither Maddy Nor Cassie - CBR Spoiler alert: This article contains major spoilers for Euphoria. This would play into the title of the episode, "Stuntin' Like My Daddy," which seems to draw a parallel between Nate's behavior and that of his creepy dad. In Sunday's episode two, the final moments show violent jock Nate, the son of "DominantDaddy" Cal, texting Jules on a hookup app. Does Nate Have Ulterior Motives For Helping Jules? - Yahoo 5 hours ago, by Sabienna Bowman Jules is understandably skeptical and asks why he's giving it to her, and he says his reason is too "stupid and simple" so it's better off a mystery. Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. or for her to have power over what happens (?). 1 day ago, by Sabienna Bowman What Did Nate Do to Jules in 'Euphoria'? Here's a Recap (SPOILERS) That carnival music still has me screwed up. Jules Vaughn | Euphoria Wiki | Fandom Rue and Jules should break up for good in Euphoria and here's why Jules' presence helps Rue keep her anxiety and addictionat bay. In another leg of the conversation, Marsha says she likes Cassie better than Maddy.. He performs this weird baptismal thing with Nate watching. We learned in season 1 that one of the reasons Nate likes Maddy is that she is exceedingly feminine. Reddit knows better. Nate literally said, Ive spent every moment of every day getting to know you. 'Euphoria' Recap: Season 2, Episode 6 | TVLine
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