Though Duncan often berates Owen, the two of them easily get along and is able to outsmart the girls several times. In Who Can You Trust?, Courtney discover that Duncan found a new bunny for DJ, after Geoff loses the first one. In If You Can't Take The Heat, Duncan, along with DJ and Geoff, prank Harold after he continues to leave his dirty clothes in the cabin, in the end leading Harold to promise never to leave his clothes on the floor again. Heather and Duncan are both grossed out after their kiss in. After seeing that the other team are having the lead, Duncan tell them to abandon Leshawna and improvise the tools they need for the challenge using Harold's belongings. until his lips was caught in a mousetrap. 5th Duncan leaves to go to bed with Leshawna. stage gate model advantages and disadvantages. Upon her return, Duncan and Courtney put their relationship aside and become mortal enemies. Whether by sheer interest or for fear fuelled reasons, something has led you here. Research has shown that incarcerating young people doesn't work in fact, time in "juvie" is the single largest predictor of future incarceration. Duncan after he is attacked by snapping turtles in. Chris makes Duncan and Gwen (but mostly Duncan) sing. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Meanwhile, Leshawna tries to pull Duncan and Harold into forming an alliance with her in order to protect themselves from Heather. Duncan uses his lighter to easily start a fire. This alliance was only short-lived however as after the two of them eliminates Izzy, their partnership is not mentioned again. The couple survived Archie's time in juvie, but threats made by Hiram, Veronica's father, . Generally speaking the young offenders are allowed to make between 1 and a few calls a week on the main phones and the same with face to face visitors. Duncan is confronted by Courtney about his nice actions, where he protests to being a nice person. While Heather mocks him for not allying with her and Owen accidentally burps at his face while trying to bid him goodbye, he shares a fist bump with Gwen, who sees him as a respected player.
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